Kindergarten Boyfriend - Alternate Ending

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     Ram kissed her hand. His lips went through it.
     He sighed. He wished JD hadn't killed him. For Martha.
     "Martha. You are the only girl that truly loved me. I wish I was there to stop this from happening."
     "Done with your moment, pretty boy?"
     He turned to Heather. She was in a gown that looked really nice on her. For once he didn't care.
      "Ram, come on! Let's just haunt Veronica for the rest of eternity. JD and she killed us!" Kurt yelled.
     "I can still see the blood from that bullet hole, Kurt. Heather, I can see that drain cleaner dribbling down your chin that you can never get rid of. I'm done.
     "Veronica didn't do anything. It was JD. But I'm done haunting people."
     "You're such a wuss, dude."
     "Yeah? Well, I'm done. I mean it. I regret everything I've done to anyone innocent like Martha."
     Those words made him disappear in a ray of white light.
     "Let's go." Heather disappeared out of the hospital. Kurt followed close behind.
     Martha woke up to a bright light. And a warm sensation in the middle of her hand.
.... What? I had to. I'm HERO.

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