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(A/N: This is Jamilton. I usually don't write LGBTQ+ things, but I just needed to share this. And yes, I do support the LGBTQ+ community. I have 3 BFFs who are bi and I love them. Lyg)
     Alex walked into the college classroom. Mr. Washington was there, as well as Laf, the teacher's aide. You know who else was there early? Thomas FRICKIN Jefferson, that's who.
And out of all the - what? 500? - chairs, he chose Alex's regular spot in the front. Why? He was one of the tallest people in the classroom, maybe even taller than Washington. To mess with Alex, that's why.
So, Alex told him off, "Why, out of all the seats in the classroom, did you choose my seat, Jefferson?"
Jefferson smirked at the man waiting for a response in front of the chair. "I don't remember you owning the seat, Hamilton."
Alex was fuming. "You know damn well that I always sit there." Classmates started to file in, some staying around the few to see the outcome.
Jefferson is leaning back in the chair, completely comfortable with the endeavor. "Why is that? Because you're shorter than middle schoolers?"
Alex was seething. "Get. Up. Out. Of. My. Chair!"
Jefferson did get up, but not to let Alex get in his seat. In fact, he blocked Alex from slipping past the tall man. "Fight me, Hamilton."
Alex lunged for the Virginian, but he was immediately swept off his feet. He yelped. He looked up at the figure who was holding his coat. It was Jefferson. He started kicking, and screaming, and throwing fists.
He looked up at the man, who was smirking, with a slight flush to his dark skin. He said one word, "Cute."
Alex paused. His face flushed even brighter since he had lighter skin.
When Washington ordered Thomas - wait when did his name become apart of his vocabulary? - to drop Alex, Thomas complied. Alex slid into his normal seat.
He saw a piece of paper on the desk he hadn't noticed before. He opened it. Inside was a number and a note. The note read: Call me darlin. XO -Thomas. Alex would never admit it if anyone asked, but he smiled and blushed some more.
I thought it was cute

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