Shhhhhhh, I Tires (Jordomi)

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I fell off the bed.
     By being pushed, making my socks fall halfway down my feet.
I swear I'm not the clumsy type. I have never broken a dish in my life. It was really because a snoring boy in our bed, pushing me off in his sleep, making my socks fly halfway down my feet, was the reason I fell of the bed.
     "UGHHHH, JORDAN!" I scream. He really was a heavy sleeper. I sit up and pull him off the bed on the ground with me.
     His eyes open a bit at the impact. "Shhhhhhh, I tires."
     That is when I started howling with laughter. "TIRES!" I snort. "YOU SOUND LIKE AUTOCORRECT!"
     That is when I got pushed for real. "Shut up."
     "Oh, does the Jordan Wallace not have a comeback!" I tease.
      "Does the Naomi Wallace know how much I love her?" I blush.
      "Does the Jordan Wallace know how much I love him more?"
He smiles and kisses me. "Does the Naomi Wallace know that I love her most?"
I shrug and pull him closer. "Nothing beats most."
I touch noses with him. "Except infinity."
We kiss again. I pull back, still touching his lips with mine. "I win."
Jordan pushes my hair out of my face. "Let's agree to disagree."
I stretch and stand up to make breakfast.
I slip.
By standing up on hardwood with socks halfway down my feet because of a certain husband who has just gotten crushed.
Aww I love them so much

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