If He Survived....

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     Philip embraced Theo, his childhood friend and lover. She was leaving for a trip up north.
     "I'll miss you, Theo." He eyed her husband who was raising his eyebrow. "You always had the best jokes."
She must have realized this too. "And I'll miss your gifts that your mother makes you give to me," she said half-heartedly. Since her son died, the only good outcome of her marriage, she hadn't been the same.
She emotionlessly hugged her husband. "Too bad the senator cannot join me on the visit."
She linked her arm with her family friend who was accompanying her (thanks to her overprotective father). She looked at Philip, and her lip quivered. How she longed to kiss him, love him, because she might not even come back.
His mother came into his room while he was writing a poem. He had been writing a poem each day Theo was gone. It was his way to cope with not having the love of his life around.
     "Philip," Eliza started, "I have some news about Theodosia."
     He grinned. "Did she get to her destination?"
     His mother looked sad. "No. They never arrived."
     His eyes widened. "What?"
     "She was lost at sea. I'm so sorry."
     He looked to the ground. His eyes were clouding. He collapsed on the ground and screamed.
     He screamed at God. He cursed. He sobbed. When he felt his mother's arms around him, he melted into her.
     He cried. She cried with him. Theodosia was everything to him. He then wished he had died when he had the duel with George Eacker. Death would've been better than dealing with the grief.

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