Chapter Eight

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Liam knew he had fucked up. Badly. He was pissed when she had hung up on him. Then he got angry when she refused to answer her phone when he was calling her. Then he knew he had lost her when she changed her number, hearing the automated voice tell him the number was no longer in use was like a punch to the gut.

"FUCK!" Liam bellowed, throwing his own phone against the wall.

Hearing that the police had gone to her work, asking questions about what had happened with Daniel had his mind racing. When she had mentioned Riggs, his stomach dropped. Riggs had been after his family for years, trying to put his family behind bars and failing every time.

His anger wasn't at her, it wasn't meant to be at her.  He was pissed that the cops had found out about Daniel, that meant that either Anita had ratted him out or her husband had. He hated snitches, but he hated Riggs more.

Running a hand through his dark hair Liam found another phone and dialled his most trusted friend. It took four rings before Carlos Adamo answered his phone. Liam didn't need to be a genius to know what his friend was doing, the harsh breathing and the complaining woman in the background was answer enough.


"Get to the house. I need your help." Liam rubbed his face.

"Sure thing."

Liam didn't need to have a lengthy conversation with Carlos. He knew his place and when his boss said jump, he had to answer with how high. It didn't matter where you were, or who you were with. If Liam needed you, you came.

Liam walked to the bar, grabbing the oldest whisky he had he poured himself a glass, drinking it in one go. Not satisfied, he poured another. This time he took his time, let the burn settle in his stomach. He needed to make things right with Rowen. He needed her to know that he was genuinely apologetic for his actions.

He didn't know much about women, not emotionally at least. He only knew what his mother and sister were like, and when those women were hurt, they made sure the men in their lives knew it. He had seen his father brought to his knees, begging his wife to tell him what had happened, where he had gone wrong, even apologising for things he didn't do, just to get back in her good graces.

His sister had learnt from the best, doing the same thing to her husband. Booth men were whipped, bowing to their women willingly and according to Liam, rather embarrassingly. They only drew one line. They were never soft in front of anyone that wasn't family. Immediate family.

No one but their wives and children knew the softer side of the Raffaello men.

He knew that Rowen wasn't his wife, that she wasn't even his long term girlfriend. There had always been something about her that pulled him towards her. He had remembered that his mother had once said something about soul-mates to him, but at the time Liam didn't listen. He didn't want to fall in love, and while he still didn't want to love anyone, he couldn't make himself walk away from Rowen.

Maybe his mother was onto something, maybe Rowen was his soul-mate.

Scoffing at the thought, Liam took a sip on his drink. A knock at his door had him putting his drink down, before walking over. Looking through the peep hole he saw Carlos, his suit was impeccable, his hair though.. well that was just a mess.

Smirking at his friends dishevelled state, Liam opened the door.

"Hope I wasn't interrupting anything." he chuckled when Carlos glared at him.

If it was any other man, Liam would have shot him for his disrespect. But, this was Carlos, he had seen him in worse states than he cared to think about, he had been around when Liam was a snot nose thirteen year old, thinking he was all powerful because he was a Don's son. Carlos soon showed him that his father was himself, and Liam always remembered. When Liam was big enough to take on Carlos, he took him down, repaid him for his early lesson with one of his own.

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