Chapter Twenty Six

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Liam watched as she walked around the room, keeping one eye on her in case her long legs gave way and she fell. She was walking slowly, pacing almost; he had found out that Rowen hated being locked away. She especially hated it when it involved a Hospital.

"I want to leave." she said once more. Her brown eyes meeting his.

"Rowen." Liam sighed. "We've been over this."

And they had. Rowen had stated not long after Liam's mother had left that she wanted to go home. He knew there was no chance that the doctors would let her leave any time soon. She was too badly injured to leave.

Rowen had tried to fight him on it, but he wouldn't budge. He wasn't going to let her hurt herself anymore. He already felt responsible for the injuries that she already had, it also helped that the doctors were on his side. They weren't letting Rowen out anytime soon.

"Liam, I don't need to be here." Rowen huffed, as she pulled at the drip that was still in her hand.

Liam raised a brow at her. She was kidding herself if she thought that she was leaving, and that she didn't need to be there. She was still bruised from head to toe. She still had internal injuries that were healing slowly. She had to see a psychiatrist before she could leave because of the mental trauma that she had endured. There was a list as long as his arm that she had to pass before the doctors would let her leave.

But that hasn't stopped her from insisting that she was fine to go home.

"Rowen, I'm not budging on this." he crossed his arms over his chest, pushing his bulky shoulders back into the lumpy chair he was sitting in.

"You can't be comfortable here." Liam smirked staring into her big brown eyes. At least he could see the both of them now; the swelling had gone down around her eye with the constant ice packs that Liam had been putting on it.

"It won't work." he cocked his head to the side, watching her brain work. He could almost see the gears turning in her head. Trying to think of anything she could use to get Liam to agree with her.

Rowen scowled at him, she opened her mouth to say something but the room door opening stopped her words. Liam moved quickly, standing in front of her in case it wasn't who they were expecting.

When he spotted the white coat his shoulders relaxed a little. Carlos popped his head around the door to check everything was alright before closing it softly after the Doctor who had walked into the room.

Liam knew that Carlos could be doing something else, something more on his pay grade, but he chose to watch over them. When Liam had asked him why he wanted to stay Carlos told him bluntly, "Someone has to watch over the bosses. Why not have the best?"

Carlos wasn't being arrogant. After Liam, Carlos was the best man that he had.

"Afternoon." the doctor greeted, grabbing Rowen's chart.

Liam ushered her towards the bed so she could be looked at, he caught sight of Rowen's slightly pale face and placed a reassuring hand on her lower back. He felt her move back into it slightly, letting him know that she was thankful before she climbed into the small bed.

"How's things Doc?" Rowen asked, forcing herself to sound calmer than she actually was.

Liam was beginning to like knowing all these little details about her. Her ticks. He picked up on a few from before she was taken, but after he got her back and being with her all day and night, Liam had started to notice more and more about her.

She played with her necklace when she was nervous, if she didn't have her necklace - like she didn't now, she would curl the ends of her hair around her fingertips. She nibbled on the inside of her cheek when she was dreading something, like bad news for example.

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