Chapter Two

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Rowen felt weak, she couldn't breathe properly, couldn't walk properly. Hell she couldn't think properly! She had never had that kind of reaction to anyone before. She sat, stupefied at herself while little Luke watched the TV.

All she had wanted to do was get the little boy a sandwich.

He was stuck with her in the lounge room, while the 'grown ups' had a conversation in the kitchen.  Anita never liked her much, she always thought that Rowen was after Daniel's money. Apparently he was some secret billionaire and not a humble carpet layer. Rowen thought that there was something else behind Anita's instant dislike of her.

Perhaps Anita knew of the finer details of Daniel and Rowen's relationship. Or more to the point, the lack of relationship. The only way to describe their relationship, was friends with benefits. They slept together and had mostly all of the up's of a real relationship, but they really had very little to do with each other. They talked sometimes, hung out occasionally and knew as much as they wanted to know about each other. They didn't have feelings for each other and they certainly didn't care if the other was talking to a prospective partner.

There were very little rules to their kind of relationship.

They couldn't sleep with other people, or do anything sexual with someone else. They couldn't get jealous if the other person was talking to someone else. And the most important rule, if someone thought that they were catching feelings, they needed to end things.

If the feelings were one-sided that is.

Rowen liked their set up. She liked having someone to be sexual with, without the hassle of being tied down. If she wanted to move on she could. If she was bored, or just annoyed with Daniel, she could leave without it being a messy break up. She wasn't heartless, she hated the thought of hurting someone's feelings.  

The reason that Rowen was even around Luke, was because Daniel couldn't get time off work. He needed someone to help watch Luke during the day.

Daniel lived with his grandmother, and she was no spring chicken. Her poor hands were twisted with arthritis, and she could hardly do pick up a tissue let alone run around after a very energetic 3 year old.

So when Daniel spoke to her about it, she offered to help.  Daniel was so relieved he offered to pay her like a babysitter, Rowen had refused. She had taken the week off work to help him out, her days would be covered by sick leave or just holidays considering she never took any in the first place. And if she was honest, she was far better off than Daniel was.

Which is why she never took notice of Anita. The woman knew nothing about Rowen, hence why she thought Rowen was after Daniel's imaginary money. Not having taken the time to know that Rowen's money was far greater than her step-son's.

So Rowen agreed to stay with Daniel and his grandmother, helping out with Luke. Rowen would go back to her own house at night and be back before Daniel left for work in the morning. She didn't mind helping his grandmother out, she was a sweet woman, and having her own car, and Daniel's car seat for Luke, they didn't need to stay in the house all day. 

Rowen was snapped out of her head when Luke showed her his now empty plate. She gave him the biggest smile she could gather and took the plate from him.

"Good job bud!" she ruffled his white blonde hair, making him giggle.

Rowen stared at the plate in her hand, she needed to take it to the kitchen to be cleaned. The last thing she needed was Anita carrying on about one small plate not being cleaned up. She wouldn't stop once she got going and Rowen was to frazzled to deal with her without snapping and setting the woman in her place.

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