Chapter Fourteen

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Liam was watching Rowen as she struggled to find a comfortable way to sit, he was trying desperately not to laugh at her pain, but the way that she kept fighting and cursing under her breath was amusing to him. 

When he had walked into his kitchen earlier, he had seen the bruises on her hips as she lifted her arms to find the cups and plates. The red skin on her back from when he had taken her on the rug were like a neon sign. Part of him hating that he had hurt her enough to mark her, the other overly delighted at the marks on her pale skin. Something that it had wanted for a long time now.

The love bites were something he was particularly proud of. Large dark marks that littered her perfectly clear skin. He knew that she was smart enough to understand that he was marking her as his, his and his alone. He knew he was being possessive, and it was over the top, especially with the amount of marks he had put on her. But he couldn't find himself feeling any remorse. 

Rowen wasn't angry or upset with the marks that he had left on her, she had left her hair down, but she made no move to cover them up. Which made him think that she didn't mind having them. 

When she questioned him, asking what they were, he had wanted to pull out a mirror and show her his marks. Show her the proof that he meant what he had said, that she was his. Instead he made her remember. It wasn't like he could blame her for her doubt. She had been used in the past as only a bed-mate and while she might think that was all she ever wanted or needed from a man, Liam knew differently.

The way she leant into him, cuddled him in her sleep, even the look she would get in her eye when she thought he wasn't looking, it all but screamed her need for someone to care about, and for someone to care about her.

He wasn't going to draw attention to it, or let her know that he knew. He honestly didn't think that even Rowen knew what she felt about him. All Liam knew was that he wasn't willing to let her go, or chase her off with any emotional confrontations, that would come in time.

She hadn't run screaming after having sex with him, not even after their session this morning. Which had left her in pain and bleeding, something she also thought Liam knew nothing about. 

Earlier that morning....

He had woken up alone his brain taking a minute to realise that someone was missing, just when he had started to panic about Rowen being missing, he heard the shower running and knew then that she was still in his house. 

He had wanted to join her, had even walked towards the door, naked as the day he was born. He slowly opened the door, watching her through the steam and mirrors and she stood under the water, her whimper had him pausing watching her more closely.

Her face was twisted in pain, she was forcing herself under the water, making sure her back stayed under long enough for the look to relax slightly. When she had started to wash herself, he noticed the blood running down her leg. Her hand and frozen, a yelp coming from her lips before she bit them in an effort not to wake him. 

Liam had never felt bad about what he was, a  man with two different sexual desires, he knew he had a sadistic side that enjoyed watching women in pain, and while having sex and watching Rowen's face twist in pain was enjoyable, seeing her like this now made him feel regret.

He hadn't meant to hurt her. Not enough to injure her internally. He knew he wasn't a small man, many of the women that he had fucked in the past had made sure that he knew about the size of his dick. He also knew that Rowen was a tight fit. He knew he stretched her out, possibly too much too soon, if the blood was anything to go by.

It had felt like she was a virgin, obviously the men she had been with in the past weren't very large in size, which was something he was glad about. He didn't want to think about how many men she had fucked, just like he was sure she didn't want to know about the women he had been with. But if he went off how she felt, he didn't think Rowen had been with many men at all.

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