Chapter Thirteen

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Rowen woke up alone.

In a bed when she was sure she passed out on a rather fluffy rug. 

She ran her hand across the empty bed beside her and felt that it was still warm, Liam must have not long left. She rolled over to face the empty spot, a strange heaviness in her chest that felt like she was close to tears. Which was unnecessary.

If this was a situation like she was used to, she was the one that left early. She never had to notice that someone was missing because she was that person. No feeling empty spots next to her and knowing that someone was missing. Rowen had a hard time sleeping in the same bed as another person. After years of sleeping alone, her body would be too awake to get proper rest when there was someone else with her.

Knowing that Liam had left, that there was an empty spot, had bitter thoughts running through her head without her consent. 

What if this was all he wanted from her? 

It wasn't exactly like he had said that they were dating. Yes he said a few times that she was his, but did that just mean as someone to have sex with or something more? Never before had thoughts of being around just for sex upset her like this. She had never wanted to be anyone's 'something more'.

Maybe this was what he did, talking and worming his way into a woman's life just to get her into his bed. What if this wasn't even his apartment? What if this was all some big plan to get himself laid? If it was just that, why would he go to all that effort to get her in the first place? She was sure that there were plenty of women that would fall at his feet and beg him to fuck them. So why did he waste so much time on her?

She scowled at the pillow before reaching for it and throwing it towards the door, hating that she was thinking this way. 

Rowen heard the clatter of dishes, instead of the thump of a soft pillow hitting a closed door, like she should have heard. She jolted upright pulling the sheet to her bare chest as she did. What she saw was Liam staring at the pillow that had just hit him, with a confused look on his face, then he looked at her with narrowed eyes and a raised brow.

Rowen bit her lip. She had honestly thought that Liam had left her here alone. Not once in all her bitter inner ramblings, did it enter her mind that he was possibly going to get them breakfast. Or even just a coffee, or tea in her case. 

Looking at the mess at his feet, her eyes already darting down in shame because of her thoughts, she saw the remains of breakfast. 

Pancakes, toast with what looked like jam on it, a small tea cup with a matching saucer tipped over, the cup cracked from its meet with either the pillow or the floor. She winced, that small cup looked expensive. She should know, she had several of them in her own home and knew that she could only buy them in small groups of two to be able to afford them.

Looking back up at Liam, she noticed that he was wearing grey sweatpants, and a white shirt. A white shirt that was now stuck to his gorgeous body with a light brown stain. 


The thought had Rowen kicking her way out of the covers, and climbing over the bed to get to him, tripping over herself more than once in the process. 

Not only had she thought he used her, but she had probably burnt him rather badly, which just added to her guilt and shame.

 "Are you okay?!" She kicked the pillow out of the way as she tried to get to him. 

Rowen didn't know where to put her hands, flitting them around his torso but never really touching it. She didn't know what to do. Did she try to take the shirt off of him, or did she just toss him into a cold shower with his clothes on so that the burn didn't leave a mark.

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