Chapter Twenty Seven

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She was sitting in the psychiatrist's office noticing little things about the graying woman that sat in front of her. Not many personal photos were around, no mess, everything seemed too perfect nothing was out of place and Rowen wanted to mess up the magazines to see what she would do.

She supposed that it seemed like she was stalling, in a way she probably was, but she had no idea how to start. How do you start a conversation about being raped and beaten by your...

Shit, what is Liam to me?

Lover? Boyfriend? Partner? Friend?

She hadn't thought about that before. Liam was just... Liam. He didn't have a label when she thought about him, she just loved him and he loved her, it was the only thing that seemed to matter. But now, thinking about it, she needed to know what was going on. She wasn't going to push him into a relationship, even though they were kind of already in one; she was just going to ask for a little clarification on their relationship.

Rowen noticed the woman had shifted in her spot. She had to hold back the giggle when she pictured her ass going numb waiting for Rowen to talk to her. She smiled to herself. Maybe the woman was nervous, after all Liam was waiting outside for her. Rowen was pretty sure that the good news of Liam getting nurses and a doctor fired had spread through the whole hospital by now.

Maybe she's nervous.

Rowen wanted to smile. Oh yeah, she's nervous. The head doctor kept looking towards the door, almost waiting for Liam to burst through it telling her she was fired because she couldn't get Rowen to talk.

Rowen decided to take pity on her, "I don't know where to start."

If she hadn't been watching, Rowen would have missed the slight flinch from the doctor. She cleared her throat and forced her eyes away from the door focusing on Rowen. She was a pretty good looking woman for someone of her age. With the lines and the grey hair she looked like she might be pushing fifty, maybe more. She had pretty hazel eyes that had gold and green flecks through them, a wide mouth with plump lips.

"That's fine."

Rowen narrowed her eyes at the woman; if she says 'Just start wherever you feel comfortable' I'm going to hurt her.

"Can I suggest something?" she asked waiting for Rowen's nod. "How about you focus on yourself and not my room." Rowen smiled, the doctor had been paying attention. "You might think that you don't have a starting point, but you most likely do. When you think about what happened to you and how you feel, where do you go?"

Rowen did as she suggested, it didn't take her long to find her starting point. She felt the anger bubble up inside of her, before she knew it she was talking.

"How could he do it? How could he do that to me to...! He raped me, raped, and he had someone else do it also. He gave some sick fuck permission to rape me while I was unconscious! He watched, he..."

Rowen didn't know what stopped her, something in her head screamed that she was saying too much. She knew that Liam had spoken to the police and she had also, telling them that she didn't remember who had done it to her. Liam later explained to her that he wanted to handle it himself, he didn't want his father arrested, he wanted him dead.

If she started babbling then the doctor would have no choice but to tell the police that Rowen knew who raped her, that there was proof. And then Liam's world would crumble, everything he was working on would fall at his feet because of her.

She had been so caught up on the fact that she had been assaulted that she didn't stop to ask why. Yes, Liam had believed that it was because he went against his father's orders and stayed with Rowen, but there had to be something more to it. Enzo was smart, he might be insane, but he was still scarily smart. He would go through all this without having some major end game.

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