
366 20 16

Miku POV
It's been good with len but lately he's been Away. I always wondered why he never wanted to spend time with me.
If I ask hey len lets hang out.
He'd ignore the question and change the subject.
I wonder why.
I thought it was all going good.
Until today.
It all started with me getting ready to go to school.
Len wasn't there to walk me as usual. I made my way to school passing by the long route seeing the scenery.
I began thinking about the times we were so happy.
I began reading up and so I went back home.
Once I got home and sat down on the couch and turned on the Tv. 
I kept looking through the channels in the darkness of my home
I began crying thinking of the moments we had.
If this keeps going on. Will we end it ?
Maybe he found someone new ?
Maybe he's gotten annoyed of me?
Am I ugly , useless , annoying ?
Thoughts clouded my mind
Will I ever know ? Will we ever be together like we once were.
My teas just slid below my cheek. I was repeating dreadful words within my head which lowered my self esteem. So I went upstairs and changed. I decided to not stay cooped up all day. I put on some shorts and a hoodie and some sneakers and tied my hair into a ponytail
I left my house keys and phone and wallet.
The sky was dark and gloomy just like mood at the moment.
Walking by seeing the plum blossoms made me miss good times.
The smiles.
The laughs.
Where were they ?
Lost in thought I didn't notice a car beeping at me.
I was in the middle of the road.
I bowed and apologized as I continued walking.
There I saw len. Under a plum blossom tree with a girl.
Who is she ?
A lover ?
Is he cheating on me ?!
Is she my replacement ?
Thoughts clouded my mind as I wanted to call out for him. But I felt suffocated by my own tears. My eyes began to water. Hot tears falling 
"Miku !"
I began to run.
Why am I running ?
Was I angry ?
Was I scared ?
Was I hurt ?
Was he cheating.
I don't know.
Cheating. Replaced. Those words hurt me within. It turned into a chase as I ran through the the streets. I was afraid of his confession on cheating. I just wanted run away believing maybe it was just a girl who ran into him and she was apologizing. If like to think he'd never do that. But somehow my mind always walked back to cheating.
My heart hurt so much. All the pain and emotions all just came at once.
I fell to the floor. I was under a bridge.
Sobbing. It was raining just like the other sad gloomy days.
When my family left me. (Her family left her now which will be another chapter we will learn her past )
All alone. In the world.
Like I said
I was afraid of life. Living it.
Just pain. Mortal pain.
But somehow. This pain is far worst then any other I've had.
Len was behind me. Panting.
"What do you want ?! "
"Just say it and go "
"Miku. ...I- i"
I ran.
He tried to stop me but I ran.
Tears clouded my eyes.
I finally made it home. I locked the doors and ran up my room.
I saw my phone
4 missed calls.
I turned it off and changed into a sweatshirt and some pajama shorts. I sat at the corner of my bed hugging my pillow.
I couldn't help sob.
Why does it hurt ? Why does it hurt so much ?
Why can't I get over this ?
Why am I crying ?
Why does life hate me so much ?
I pulled the covers over me.
I just let myself go. Internal tears. Flooded with horrible thoughts.
Who was she ?
Was he actually cheating ?
I cried myself to sleep. The rain and lightning roaring. I was afraid and had nightmares but I would be alone after this.
I'd be alone again in the world.
I will isolate myself.
In the darkness.
There was a knock at my door.
I didn't even bother getting up.
"It's probably Len " I whispered to myself.
I walked downstairs just denying what my mind told me and did what my heart wanted.
Each step I took was a memory we shared.
I finally got at the door.
I wiped my tears and fixed my hair a little bit into a ponytail.
I opened the door to see a panting Len
*pant pant*
"Miku why'd you run away ?! "
I felt angry
"I didn't want to disturb you while you were with your girlfriend "
"What ?! What do you mean ?! Miku you're my girlfriend !"
To be continued
Im so sorry for no update finals are here and well I've been going through depression and all but that doesn't matter I'll be updating a lot soon.

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