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Mikus POV
"Miku. Be serious "
"I know you're going out with her "
I felt tears wanting to fall
"Miku Baka "
Len patted my head
"Who are you calling a Baka ?!"
"You misunderstood. She's helping me well I'm sorry to ruin your surprise but her name is chihiro and she well is a party planner. "
"P-party planner ?"
"Yes. Hehe. I wanted us to have a small party with out friends since we've been really indulged in school work and many of our friends don't know that we're together "
I clenched my fists
"Baka Len ! I thought you were cheating on me. I'm sorry I doubted you !" 
He wrapped his arms around me
"It's okay "
He ruffled my hair wiped my tears and kissed my forehead
"Don't cry anymore. I'm here for you "
I felt myself hug back and cry into his chest
"I thought I was going to be alone again "
"No. I'll never leave you "
"Promise "
"Promise. "
I smiled as I looked up at him and tipitoed to kiss him. He walked in closed the door and we went to my room. We laid in my bed. Outside it begun pouring rain.
I put my head on his chest as I listened to his heart beat.
I closed my eyes.
Len began singing.
I felt myself slowly drift to bed.
Lens POV
I saw Miku.
She looked so beautiful. I saw her sketchbook lying in yeah table.
I looked through It seeing many sketches of me.
Begins the drawings were small notes with dates
April 20
Len and I went to the icecream parlor. I enjoyed it. He's so cute when he smiles I like it when he holds my hand and kisses my cheek.
I suddenly felt myself blush as I kept reading. I flipped to an empty page and began sketching her sleeping figure. I'm not as good but I'm not bad either.
Her long lashes , small face , small button nose , her long hair and her small frame.
I shaded in spots then turned the page around
May 24 2016
Tonight I slept with Miku beside me. Her beautiful face just like an angel. We had a small fuss but we fixed it. I love her and I will protect her. Forever and ever. I want to always be there. Miku if you're sad remember I'm there call me when you need me. I'm there to listen or there for you to hug and cuddle. I love you my beautiful princess.
-Len kagamine ( aka your boyfriend )
I closed the book and laid back down next to her stroking her hair as she got closer to my chest and wrapped her arms around my torso.
I kissed her forehead and whispered "night "
I then felt myself slowly drifting to bed.
Mikus POV
I felt the sun piercing though the blinds of my window.
I woke up and tried getting up but felt weight on me.
I look up to see Len holding me tightly against him.
I became worried as I looked down
*sighs of relief * good we both have clothes on.
Hehe. I begun to giggle replaying what I just did.
" hi Len "
"Go.....back to sleeeeeeeep" he groaned pulling me in tighter and snuggling his face into my hair.
His red cheeks long lashes blonde banana hair and plump lips.
He looked so cute.
I stretched my hand to the phone where my bedside table was and snapped a quick pic.
One problem....
The flash we on.
"Mikuuuu delete it !"
"No no you look too cute in it "
He pouted.
I gave him a peck on his lips and pushed him and ran downstairs.
He chased behind me.
I slipped on one of the steps.
But I didn't feel any pain. I landed on something soft.
I see Len beneath me
"L-Len! Are you okay ?! "
"Itttai! "
I looked where my hand was. It was on his arm which was badly bruised from the fall
"L-Len "
I quickly got off and helped him sit up.
"As long as you're safe my love. "
I felt my face flush yet tears ran down my cheeks
"I'm sorry Len. I hurt you. "
"Miku you didn't hurt me. "
"Yes I did. First I had no trust now this !"
"Miku it's okay I love you. Now and forever "
He ruffled my hair as I rubbed my eyes and wiped my tears.
I ran to get an Icepack and some bandages.
I placed the Icepack on his arm and wrapped bandages around it to keep it in place.
Len pointed to his lips
"Please a kiss to make me feel better. "
I rolled my eyes and kissed him.
He was leaning against the wall so he used his arm
(That wasn't injured) and put a piece of my hair behind my ear.
"All better ?"
"Better "
I helped him up and we went to sit on the couch.
"What do you want for breakfast ?"
"Ahh I already feel like a married couple "
"Yes my love ?"
I stormed off into the kitchen.
I began to make us some eggs and bacon.
I set it all on the table and helped Len to the table.
He can walk but you know heheh I kinda feel at fault for his arm *sweat drop*
We sat at the table and began eating.
Len looked so majestic. The sun piercing through T the window making gold days on his blonde hair. His long lashes shadowing his beautiful blue eyes. His small button nose
His sharp jawline.
This man in my boyfriend
This man loves me.
I sat there admiring him until he looked up with a toothy grin.
"Am I that fascinating "
I smirked
"Very. A rare sighting of a gorilla "
"W-wha?! That's mean !"
"Heheheheh len you're cute "
I see Len looking down with a blush spread across his cheeks.
"I-I'm not cute ! I'm sexy !"
"That too"
I smiled wide.
He just kept staring at me with a blush and a small glare.
"Now eat Len "
Len finished all his food and offered to wash the dishes but I did them instead
Because I felt guilty about what happened earlier.
I walked to the couch where I see Len watching a scary Movie.
I sat down next to him on the couch and he wrapped his arm around me.
We were cuddling until a really scary part came up.
The girl was running away from the killer clown but tripes over a rock. (Always fricken happens)
The clown flipped her over and grabbed a chainsaw slowly cutting limb by limb and eating her insides.
I just turned my head to the side to find Len staring at me with wide eyes and his mouth slightly open.
"What " I said pouting with a face of disgust after watching that scene of the movie.
"Nothing you just looked pretty hot the way you just scrunched your face "
I looked at him with a "wtf " face.
"U-um thanks "
But I felt a tiny blush and tingly sensation creep upon my cheeks.
He pushed me close to my chess
"Don't face things alone I'm here. If you're scared tell me. I'll hug you and protect you forever "
I felt my face just flush 50 shades of red and my face became hot.
"Hey do you have a fever are you okay ?"
I hugged him close.
"I'm scared Len " (P-E- to the T-T-Y)
"It's okay I'm here to protect you "
We still way hoed the movie but my kids became heavy and darkness slowly overtook me.
To be continued.
Update update. Sorry my parents decided to go to Puerto Rico for vacation because my brother in law in from there. It was fun but in back and better than ever ! Except my story is kinda sucky. Don't worry I'll improve

MikuXlen SketchbookWhere stories live. Discover now