|| Valentines Special||

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Len's POv 

It's valentines day and i want to do something for Miku. She was back at her home, finally spending some long deserved sleep in her home. I turned in my bed to see the clock. The red numbers read 7:30am . 

"perfect" i whispered to myself as i got up and showered and got ready but texted Miku. 

To miku : 

Babe be ready by 9:00 am . Love you 

i proceeded with hopping into the shower and to wash myself squeaky clean. Then I exited putting on some black jeans with a white tshirt and a dress shirt vest thingy. I put on some black aldo shoes and grabbed my car keys and wallet. I entered my yellow mustang and made my way to the florists. I walked in once i got there and got her a mixture of blue tulips with sun flowers. 

I walked into the jewelers and bought her a little promise ring. It was a silver band with a small diamond on top with the words engraved on the bottom " you're beautiful " 

I paid and placed it in its box . I placed the box in a small cute red bag with white and pink wrapping paper. I wrote on a small little note : 

Dear love, 

I love you to the ends of the earth. You are my sole happiness and my joy. Nobody can put a price on you nor your beautiful smile. I love you so much.

Nobody can ever take your place in my heart. 

love , Len 

Onnce i placed the note into the bag i proceeded to get her a Greentea Iced Latte with Caramel from Starbucks ( you should try it ) I made my way back to the car and drived to another store to buy her a teddy bear. After that i felt satisfied. I never really got much for a girl, i'd usually get just roses and chocolates,but MIku she's special to me, She makes me happy. I can be who i want with her. 

I soon pulled up in front of her house and grabbed the latte and walked to her door. I knocked. It was open and there she stood, my beautiful girlfriend. 

Her hair was beautiful curled and reached her waist. She has a cute black lace dress that hugged her body so beautifully and of course she was such a tomboy she wore some black slip on vans. She blushed and smiled 

" you look beautiful" i was in awe. She was gorgeous. She was mine. I kissed her lips as she pulled me in closer 

" Thank you, you arent so bad yourself " she smirked as she grabbed my hand. 

" here, i got you your favorite " 

she smiled and kissed my cheek ," I fucking love you , you know that " 

" Love you too darling " I walked her to the car and she saw the teddy bear i got for her. 

She smiled and hugged it. 

"awe len thank you i love it so much !" 

"welcome " i smiled as we got in the car i kept the bag hidden.I began to drive with the top down and the wind blowing in our hair. It was slowly coming to warm weather and the air was fresh and fine. I drove her to a restaurant. 

We walked in and we were greeted by waitresses. I was a little annoyed because some paparazzi was outside. Everyone of my fans knew i was dating Miku and some did send rude things ,but i tried deleting those messages before Miku ever saw them. She's been through enough. It hurts me to see her sad or hurt, i love her after all. 

She squeezed my hand i looked down to see her smiling reassuring smiles which brought a smile onto my face. We walked to a booth and we enjoyed a meal, making jokes and laughing.After we decided to leave and walk around the park together holding hands. 

" Len , thank you for this really."

" Anything for you " 

She smiled and tiptoed to give me a kiss and hugged me close. She giggled as i saw she began to put a chocolate in her mouth. 

i reached down to bite the other end but she moved away.I started chasing her " hey come back, i want a kiss!" she giggled and i chased her until we both tripped, i landing on top of her and just kissed her taking half of the strawberry within my mouth. The chocolate melted within our kiss as i stroked her cheek and devoured her . (yikes)

she moaned in kiss. 

"len" i then pulled back noticing we are in public where people can see us. I took out the bag and gave it to her. She opened and i saw tears come out of her eyes. She smiled and kissed me on my lips 

" Len this is so beautiful" 

Only the best for my girl. 

After that we arrived home. 

And from there you can let you imagination run wild (; 

A/n: Happy valentines day. 

Im single asf *):

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