Summer blues

370 14 5

Miku POV
I woke up to the sun piercing through my window.
"Faaaaaaacckkk you sunnnnn"
I threw my pillow at the curtains that failed to block the sun. 
It's summer now and I've been sleeping in a lot.
Len has been out of the country for about a week.
I get out of my bed and head downstairs
I make my way towards the kitchen and grab some toast and some jelly and milk and I make my way to my warm comfy couch.
I sit down and put some Netflix on.
"Super natural !"
I begin watching. 
"Deeeeaaaaannnnnb mah baby daddddyy" (heheh really is (; jk I wish )
I kept yelling
Ring ring
It's my phone. 
"Hello "
<keep it down !>
"Ahh Gomen Gomen !!! "
I hung up and sit back down.
This is me a mess on the weekends and during summer vaca without Len. 
Then there is a knock at my door.
"Who in the fricken shiz nuts is bothering me at the moment of Dean being beautiful and bad ass !?"
I open the door and there stood Len.
"So who's Dean ?"
I jump onto his arms and he hugs me tight.
"I missed you so much babe"
"Missed you too baby. But who is Dean ?"
"Dean is my amazing beautiful hubby !"
"H-hubby ?! Where is he ?! Lemme at him !"
"Hahaha chill. It's from my favorite show Called super natural "
"Nice. Can I watch with "
We sit down and watch the show.  Some time to time Len jumps due to some "jumpscares "
I lean my head on his shoulder.
"Len how was your trip ?"
"Mm could've been better "
"Why ?"
"I wish I was there with you. I know it sounds cheesy and all but you would've loved the places there. And plus everyone was a couple *pouts*" 
"Hahaha. Len "
I couldn't stop laughing and Len just glared at me.
"Not funny !"
"Ok ok Gomen Gomen Len "
I giggled
"He poured and crossed his arms
"You aren't forgiven until you give me a kiss "
Suddenly I got bold and sat on his lap facing him
I pecked his lips "am I forgiven "
"No. " he said with a blush on his face
I kissed him more passionately but turned into a make out session.
Then I hear the door unlock to see my auntie.
We broke away but by broke away Len pushed me and I rolled off him and the couch onto the floor.
"M-Miku !"
"Hahah hi "
"What is this boy doing here ?!"
"Ahh ! Auntie this is my boyfriend Len , Len , this is my auntie chiyo "
Len nervously rubbed the back of his neck
"O-ohiyo-gozimasu ( if I spelled it wrong pls give me a break I'm tired ) ma'am"
Auntie lifted a laugh before bursting out laughing
"Hahha it's okay sweetheart just call me auntie. I see Miku you've found a cute one "
Len blushed and I began to giggle.
My auntie chiyo was always one to not be serious. She as very fun and always had the BE COOL NO RULES policy.
I mean that explains how her son at the age of 12 crashed the car because she let him drive and also their rooms are messy because she has no rules.
I giggled thinking of the day I spilled salsa on her face and she didn't get angry because it's not cool.
I grabbed lens hand and we made our way up to my room
"Use protection !" My aunt said
I get my face instantly go red.
I see len has turned like a tomato.
I kissed his cheek due to how cute he looked
I saw him turn even more red.
Heat rose to my cheeks as well.
I sat on my bed and len laid down
"Miku come cuddle with me "
I laid my head on his arm and he pulled me close
I felt my eyes slowly droop as Len sang a soft melody to me.
His voice was soothing as he stroked my hair and hugged me closer and kissed me eyelids.
"You're so beautiful Miku. I love you "
"I love you too "
I cuddled and nuzzled my head into his neck and fell asleep.
To be continued....
Sorry guys ! Like I have so many AP classes this year so j have so much work I hardly have any time !!!

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