Water balloon fight

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Mikus POV
I wake up the next morning to see len asleep. Sound asleep.
A sudden idea popped into my mind.
I quietly slipped away down stairs and into the cupboard I found balloons.
I felt an evil smirk come upon my face.
I started filling water guns and the balloons. My aunt was still asleep and I ended up waking her up to help me with this devious plan of mine. We had this big floaty thingy where they can lay down and enjoy themselves in a pool   I carried it upstairs and luckily Len is a heavy sleeper.
Inside my head I was like "bwahahhahah"
But at the moment outside of my head I was singing a lullaby hoping he wouldn't wake up.
We put him onto the floaty thing.
My aunt and I carefully.
CAREFULLY !!!! My aunt almost dropped him twice but we made it out to the pool and gently pushed him towards the middle.
I felt victorious.
Suddenly I grabbed the balloon filled with water and aimed.
It smacked it right into his face. He woke up screaming
He was freaking out I couldn't help but laugh. My aunt was sitting on the patio table and just recording.
He tried getting up and he ended up slipping and falling into the water.
"Hahahahah " I was laughing like a maniac.
Not because it was funny but because I was scared and I left the balloons by his side.
"Dammit. "
I grabbed my water gun
And it did that 'chichu' sound.
"Square up Len !!!!"
Len came out of the water.
Water splashed he looked like a fish with his lips puckered up and flapping his arms like a fin. He swam to the edge and grabbed a balloon and tried aiming it at me.
I ducked and did a cartwheel. And splashed some of the water from the water gun onto his face.
"MAN DOWN !" Yelled Len.
I felt so superior.
After hours and hours of fun we were both soaked
We sat at the edge of the pool the sun was beginning to set.
"Len , haven't you told rin that's you're back "
"Yeah, but she doesn't really want to see me. She's with her boyfriend all the time "
I hummed as I leaned my head on his shoulder.
He kissed my forehead.
"Miku. We graduate in 3 months."
"It's pretty much been a year since we dated wow "
"Yeah. This is the longest I've dated a girl "
I felt happy but a bit of jealousy.
I held his hand.
Aunts POV
I got tired from those adorable losers and walked to Mikus room. I'm I left my wallet there. I was gonna go out to party with my buddies.
I see a book that caught  my eye. I opened it.
I see sketches and a particular one caught my eye
Which was one of Miku.
It's weird because how can Miku sketch her ownself asleep. I turned to see a small note. From Len.
I read it and felt tears come to my eyes.
He really does care for her.
I closed it perhaps Miku hasn't seen it yet. I remember when Miku got her very first sketchbook.
Right before her mother died.
"Auntie look ! Mama got me this sketchbook "
She was only 8 when she came home happily.
Everyday she drew in it. Page by page. Not a single part blank.
She created her own story , her own world filled with colors and wonders. She found it her escape after her father abandoned them. That evil man.
Miku would cry sometimes and sketch her father but soon she slowly started forgetting how he looked. She soon stopped drawing him. Her mother became ill and she just stopped sketching.
"Miku draw mama something "
*sniff* "mama "
"Please Miku I want to see your beautiful talent one last time "
She was 10. As she sketched her mother tears poured down her face
"Miku. Please keep this as a memory forever. I will always love you. You are my precious artist, my baby girl "
"Mama "
"I love you Miku "
I remember it vividly that she kissed her head and fell onto the hospital bed. Those being her final words.
A sweet loving goodbye.
From here she was always isolated.
But now I've seen her smile.
She hasn't smiled since she was 8.
I'm glad she met this boy.
End of flashback
Well I'm glad she found someone.
"Miku , honey I'm gonna go visit your cousins "
"Okay auntie !"
"Have fun ! And use protection !"
"Gomen "
Everyone deserves a little happiness.
Hi guys sorry for a late ass update. Like my AP classes are stressing me out and well I've got a lot going on.  By im trying YOU know. But I want to thank everyone for supporting me. Love you guys.

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