Chapter 5: Hey, I'm Aaron

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Chapter 5: Hey, I'm Aaron

“So, you make bombs?” I tried to make conversation as she climbed into the truck, her skirt riding up slightly. “Yeah. No biggie, though, right?” she flashed me a sexy smile as her legs stretched out onto the dash, effectively tightening my pants. I swallowed hard. “Brian told me you blow stuff up, too.” She laid a delicate stress on the word blow and it took all of my control not to moan. “I do. It’s just a release.” Ah, crap, had I really just said release? She’s going to be all over that. “From what your brother was saying, you must need to release a lot.” I swallowed again. “I wasn’t really masturbating,” I said, fixing my eyes on the road.

“I was just asleep.” “That’s a shame. I was getting some really nice mental pictures with that. I guess I’ll just have to think about something else.” She examined her nails before looking out the window, and I bit my lower lip. Why did she have to make everything so dirty, and why did I have to like it so much? “You know, McCann, I think we’re going to work great together. Absolutely perfectly. You know that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach that tells you, you and some person are going to fit together perfectly?” her voice had taken on a sexy purr, and I was gripping the steering wheel tight with both hands, completely enjoying the way she was talking to me. The tip of her fingernail raked lightly across my forearm, and I shivered. “You know that feeling, deep in the pit of your stomach, right as your about to-,”  “Oh, man.”

A low moan escaped my lips as we pulled into an Applebee’s. “Right as you’re about to meet them. You know that feeling, right Jason?” she smiled at me angelically as I parked. “Yeah.” My voice was raspy. “I know the feeling.” I looked deep into her eyes to let her know I was horny, so she’d know what she was doing to me.  A satisfied smile spread across her lips, and I’m guessing she got the message. 

We stared at each other for a few more minutes, and I wanted so bad to touch her, or do something to her. My hand twitched forward right as Alex pounded on the window, and I jumped as I realized it was raining. “We should go,” I said, popping my door open, throwing a look at Julia over my shoulder. “You did say you were starving.” She smirked at me. “Yeah, I guess I did, McCann.”

                “Hi. Welcome to Applebee’s. How many?” “Two,” Brian said, nodding to Alex.  The hostess smiled and led them away to a table, and I noticed the way she was looking at my brother. Yeah, her number was going to be on the receipt. “Is it just you two for tonight?” Shannon- I read her name tag- asked, snatching two menus from the wooden box. “It’s just us,” I said, shoving my hands into my pockets. “Right this way then.”

She led us to a small booth in the back, in a corner. There was a window right next to it, throwing the area into shadow. Perfect. “Is this alright?” she asked us, holding the menus on her hip. “This is perfect,” I said, sliding in one end as Julia slid into the other. “Your server is Aaron tonight, and he’ll be right with you.”

She slid the menus onto the table and walked away.  Leaving Julia and I alone; the perfect time for me to put my plan into action. Ever heard the term what goes around comes around? Yeah, Julia is going to get a nice dose of that right now.

                I slid closer to her in the booth, brushing my fingertips against her knee. “So what are you thinking?” I asked her huskily. “I don’t know. You?” “All I’m thinking about is how thirsty I am. I just need something wet, and warm. Know if they have anything like that?” I saw her swallow, and I fought back a grin. “No. I don’t.” “Drat. I really want something I can suck up, you know? Maybe something I can slide my tongue in.”

My hand slid onto her thigh and I started slipping it under her skirt. I knew I was getting further and further off the subject of drinks, but I needed something to tease her with. “And all this talk about releasing…” I slid my hand up further, hearing the satisfaction of her breath speeding up.  “I know you wanna feel me release, don’t you baby? Feel all that hot cum sliding down your throat, feel me tugging at your hair, ordering you to suck harder. That’s what you want, isn’t it? Me to order you to suck me, me to make you mine.” I had no idea where this was coming from. I had never once talked dirty to a girl, but the way Julia was acting, I’m guessing she liked it.

                “Only problem is, I’m not giving in,” she said softly, and I felt her hand creep onto my thigh. Oh, crap. “I may want to give you head, but you’re going to be the one asking for it.” She curled her fingers around my thigh, and squeezed. Hard.

A ripple of pleasure surged through my body, and my head swung back, my eyes slipping closed. My mouth slacked open a little, and I heard Jamie giggle. “You like that, McCann?” her lips were right at my ear, her hot breath blowing across it; goose bumps rose instantly on my skin.  “Tell me you like it.” Her voice tingled with sex drive, and I moaned loudly. “Please, Julia, don’t do this to me,” I begged. “Don’t do what? This?” Her hand moved over and she gripped my boner, carefully pumping it through my jeans.

“Aaaahh.” I moaned pathetically and let her take me over. I liked it, so, so much.  She unzipped my pants and toyed with my tip that was tenting my boxers. “McCann…” she cooed my name in my ear, and I grit my teeth against the cry of pleasure about to burst from between my lips.

              “Hey. My name’s Aaron. I’ll be your server tonight. Can I start you off with some drinks?”

Aw, crap!

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