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The smirk was wiped off my face as I realized the explosion had knocked the locks holding the door out of the way, meaning they could get out. Cops rushed into the doors and pulled my hostages out of the building, not a scratch on Stokes.

I swore and slammed my hand down onto the electric board in front of me, anger pulsing through my veins. Screw my life. I had the perfect plan, every part carefully thought out without worry of failure, and I forgot to factor in the extent of my bombs' damage.


"Jason!" Brian yelled, punching the front door to my house open, panic written all over his face. "What?" I asked, not moving my eyes away from the TV, kicking one foot up onto the coffee table. "The cops figured out who planted the bombs." My heart stopped. "What?!" I yelled, jumping to my feet and whirling to face him. "They traced your grandpa back to you, and the van back to me, and me back to you...they're on a witch hunt, Jase, and we're going to be burned at the stake."

"We gotta get out of Vegas. Grab a bag and we're leaving." I sprinted up to my room, throwing jeans and shirts, underwear and socks into a duffle. I paused when I saw the picture of Julia and me resting on my bedside table. There was no way I was leaving without saying goodbye.

"Take me to Julia's," I ordered as I jumped into the front seat of Brian's van. "You can't stay there, Jase," he said, starting the van and flooring it. "I just want to say goodbye," I said, throwing my bag into the back. "Be quick."

After several painful minutes, he pulled into Julia's driveway and I launched myself out of the car. I ripped her front door open and raced to her room where she was curled up with a book, just like she always was.

"Jules," I said, jumping onto her bed and hurriedly pressing my lips against hers. My chest ached, knowing this could possibly be our last kiss. She started to push me away. "Jase, I'm not in the-," I cut her off, hungrily kissing her again, trying to force all of what I felt for her out of my lips. "Jason," she mumbled around my lips, still trying to push me off.

I disengaged our mouths and started planting kisses down her neck and jaw, holding her body close to mine. "The cops found us," I said between kisses, my voice muffled by her soft skin. "I have to get out of here." "What?" she asked, wiggling away from me and looking into my eyes.  "I have to go," I said, kissing her again and standing. "No, Jason, wait!" she yelled, hurrying after me and throwing her arms around me.

"Take me with," she said into my shoulder, tears already pooling in her eyes, the brown eyes I loved so much. "I can't," I said, holding her tight. "I wish I could, Jules. But I'm not getting you into this anymore than I already have." "But-,"

"No," I said, pulling away and cupping her face in my hands. "Look at me, Jules." Her watery eyes met mine, making guilt and pain churn in my gut. "You never knew me. If anyone asks, you only heard about me on the news. You had no idea who I was, besides the fact I was a criminal. We were never together."

The tears were now freely streaking down her face, her lips quivering as she tried to convince me to change my mind.

Brian laid on the horn outside, and Julia's eyes burned into mine, begging me not to do this. I had to though. "I love you," I said, kissing her one more time and backing away towards the door.

"No, Jason, I'm-," I shook my head and pressed my index and middle fingers to my lips, kissing them and tapping my chest twice. Our sign. "I-I love you, too." I smiled as she repeated the sign, before running out to Brian's car.

He drove off after I launched myself into the car, my heart cracking as I watched my girlfriend's house disappear over my shoulder. I put my face in my face, leaning forward in my chair and letting the tears wash my face, the pain consuming my chest in a fiery blaze. 

"Ah, she's just a girl, Jase," Brian said trying to console me. I raised my face and glared at him. "She was more than a girl," I snapped. "Right. She was a screw buddy." My glare got deeper and I reached into my pocket, pulling out my gun. "Say that again. I dare you," I said, pressing the barrel against his side.

He stared at me, the van swerving a little as we sped down the highway. "You don't even know how to use that," he said, but his voice held doubt. "Really? Tell that to my grandpa." He swallowed. "Now drive, and don't say another word about her."

"Crap!" he yelled, swerving violently to the left as a helicopter lowered in front of us. The van jerked and jumped as the wheels were ripped to shreds on metal spikes planted in the ground. Brian swerved, trying to get the car back under control, both our mouths dropping as we took in the line of cop cars blocking the road.

Brian slammed on the brakes and finally got the car to a bumpy stop, breathing heavily and staring at the cops. "We gotta give it up, Jase," he said. "No," I hissed, pressing the gun back against his side. "Jason. Do you really think Alex would want you killing yourself over this?" "It's the cops," I snarled. "So yes." He shook his head and popped his door open, stepping out slowly and putting both arms behind his head, walking slowly to the cops.

My chest burned with anger. These were the people that had killed my brother, torn my family apart, made me leave my girlfriend, there was no way I wasn't going down without a fight.

"Jason," the guy with the megaphone said, all their eyes on me as I sat in the car. "Just step out of the car slowly and nothing's going to happen to you. We know you're scared, but you can trust us." I rolled my eyes and shoved my gun into my pocket before stepping out of the car with my hands us.

My eyes locked on Nick Stokes, standing behind the megaphone guy with his gaze on me.


He's got a gun!" Brian screamed, making every one of the cops' craw a gun. Thanks a lot, Brian.

"You killed my brother!" I yelled, pulling my gun out of my pocket and aiming it at Stokes. He took the megaphone from megaphone guy and addressed me. "I know. And it was a mistake. We all thought he was reaching for a gun. But do you really think he wants you to go down like this?" I swallowed and regripping my gun with shaking hands.

Julia's face flashed before my eyes, and I sucked in a breath through my nose, slowly lowering my gun. I wasn't going to get myself killed, just because I wanted revenge. Yes, I wanted to avenge my brother, but I was going to do it differently. For my girl's sake.


"Breaking news!" the words scrolled across the screen as Luke sat down next to me with a bowl of popcorn mixed with M&M's. "Here you go," he said, pushing it into my lap. "Don't know why you wanted it so bad." I shrugged and curled up in Jason's oversized sweatshirt, inhaling the scent of cologne that still clung to it.

"Person responsible for the murder of several people, including the attempt of murder of several CSI workers has surrendered himself to police after a blockade at the state line." They showed a sky view of a maroon van sitting in the middle of the road, cops lined up in front of it. They zoomed in and showed Jason, my Jason, hitting his knees with his hands behind his head, getting cuffed.

"Jason McCann will be charged with murder in the first degree, and attempt of murder," the chief cop guy said, a microphone being held to his mouth. "So far, those are the only things we can pin him for."

My heart stopped, my breathing freezing in my throat as tears ran down my face. Luke scooped me into his arms and let me sob against his chest. "Ssh, Julia," he whispered, tucking my head under his chin. "They're not going to give him a death sentence. A couple years and he'll be out, it'll be okay." "No it won't," I sobbed. "Why not?"

I pulled back and looked into his eyes, letting my hand drop to my stomach.

"I'm pregnant, Luke. With Jason's baby."




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