Chapter 26: Pillow

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 I drove slow, barely paying any attention to the road and almost getting myself killed more than once. What was Brian making him do? Why was he making my brother do it? Send the heathen. 


  Julia ran out of the apartment building as I pulled it, her hair flying everywhere. "Jason!" she cried, throwing herself into my arms as I stepped out of the truck. "What's the matter? Is everything okay?" I held her against me and made sure I still had my knife in my back pocket.  "I was so scared! You just left! I didn't know what was going on, Jase! I didn't know if you were going to come back, or if Alex was okay, or if something happened to both of you guys, or-or-," tears clogged her throat and she started crying on my shoulder, looping her arms around my neck and fanning her small hands out against my back and shoulders.


  "Sshh, baby doll," I cooed, scooping her into my arms bridal style and carrying her back to her room. "Everything's fine." "Wh-" hiccup. "What was wrong with Alex?" "Orgasm," I said flatly, setting her on the bed and kicking my shoes off before joining her. Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion, the red rimming her eyes making her look adorable. I kissed her nose.


    "The spider spun her web." "Oooh. Wait, he was getting the deed done with Danielle?" "Yup." "Huh. I wouldn't have pictured them together. Weird." "Weird? It's disgusting." She giggled and lay down, putting her head in my lap. "You're just grossed out because you saw your brother having sex. It's like walking in on your parents. It's nasty."  "Did you ever walk in on your parents?"


    "Yes," she said, shuddering. "You know, for being a pastor and a church woman, my parents had some freak sex. I found handcuffs and a muzzle in there when I was looking for my phone once." "A muzzle?" "Yeah. I screamed. Then got in trouble for being in their room trying to find my phone when all my sister had to do was walk in there and ask them where hers was. Even if she was ‘grounded.'" 


   Julia rolled her eyes and snuggled deeper into me, yawning. "Tired?" I asked her, softly running my fingers through her long, soft hair. "You wore me out," she whined, nuzzling her cheek against my thigh. I bit the inside of my cheek and thought of Danielle and Alex going at it to keep myself from having a boner.


   She saw the look on my face and immediately sat up. "Oops. Sorry."  "You're fine," I told her, coaxing her back into my lap. "Just don't nuzzle your face dangerously close to my package and we'll be okay." She giggled and immediately shoved her whole face right on my zipper, purposely making kissing and sucking noises.


  "Seriously?" I groaned, trying to move away from her. I really wasn't in the mood for a boner.  "Come on, not now." She giggled again. "I thought you liked it when I sucked your cock?" "I do. I'm just not in the mood right now." "Good," she said, resting her head back in my lap and closing her eyes. "I'm really not either. I'm too," a huge yawn cut off the rest of her sentence. "Tired." 


   I smiled and slid back to lie on her bed, sighing happily and stroking her hair as she shimmied up to lay her head on my stomach. "You make such a good pillow," she mumbled sleepily, making me laugh. "Thank you?" She snuggled against me and got comfortable, muttering incoherently.

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