Chapter 2: Six Boxes

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Chapter 2: Six Boxes

There's a little inaproppriateness going on, so you have been warned!


“So, maybe we could go out sometime?” Alex looked hopefully at the blonde snapping her gum behind the tellers’ desk. “Look, I have a boyfriend,” she said dully, rolling her blue eyes. “How much cash did you want?” Alex’s whole face fell and he dejectedly repeated the number. 

I shoved my hands into my jeans pockets and lolled my head back to look at the ceiling. I’d seriously come here with him to see him get rejected instead of looking at porn? What was wrong with me?

                “Okay, here’s your money. Have a great day.” Brittany shoved the cash at Alex and went back to looking at her magazine. Alex took it and walked by me, grabbing my hood and dragging me outside. “Bro, she’s just one girl,” I told him as he slid into the drivers’ seat.

He sighed. “Yeah, I know. She’s just hot, that’s all.” I rolled my eyes and kicked my feet up onto the dash. “I’m going to go pick you up a birthday present,” Alex told me, pulling into a gas station. I looked at him weird. “A gas station? Seriously? Love you, too.” He just grinned at me and popped his door open. “Well, you’ll be turning eighteen, so I wanted to get you something really special.” “Okay. Sure.” I rolled my eyes again as he walked inside.

                I pulled my IPod out of my pocket and stuck my headphones in, closing my eyes and wishing I was back home…with my computer….locked in my room.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked around the parking lot, catching sight of a pretty attractive girl bending over to pick up her sunglasses. Nice view. She stood back up and tossed her long, curly brown hair over her shoulder, adjusting her red, form-fitting cherry v-neck so it covered her popping cleavage. Dude, all I can say is yum. II watched her get her gas, watched the way she kept fiddling with her hair and looking around, like she was looking for someone, or felt watched. Maaaybe she could feel I was creeping on her, but maybe not. 

She leaned against the side of her car, crossing her arms across her chest- underneath her boobs, might I add- and rolled her head back, exposing her neck. My mouth started watering, my pants getting a little tighter. ‘Man,’ I thought bitterly. ‘I seriously need to stop making myself so…frustrated.’


   Alex pulled open his door and I jumped, putting my hands in my lap to cover up the slight bulge. His eyes went down to my hands, then to my face, then out the window to see what I was looking at…. And here came the smirk.  Before he could say anything, I grumbled out, “Shut up.” And looked out the opposite window. 

“You should go talk to her,” he told me, still looking at her. “She’s cute.” “With this?” I hissed, gesturing towards my pants. “I don’t think so.” “Come on, bro. Humor me. I just got rejected, I at least want my little brother to succeed romantically.” “Ugh, fine.” I groaned, shoving my door open. I shoved my hands in my pockets while walking over to her, occasionally looking behind my shoulder to a grinning Alex.

                Her head snapped up as my footsteps got closer, and she looked me up and down, not that I minded. “Hi,” she said suspiciously, standing up straight and tucking her long hair behind her ear.

“Hey. I’m Jason.” “Julia.” I swallowed and took a deep breath, trying to avert my eyes from her body. “So, uh, my brother wanted me to come and talk to you. No idea why,” I said, raking my fingers through my hair so it swished to the right. “You mean the guy that just bought about six boxes of condoms? I may have an idea why he sent you over here.” My face flushed bright red.  Damn him!

                “Well, um….. screw this. You’re hot.” The words blurted out of my mouth, and her eyebrows went up. But I couldn’t stop. They just kept flowing.

“I blow things up for a living. Some girls think it’s hot, some don’t. If you do, then we may have to put six boxes of condoms to work. If you don’t, I’m wasting my time on you while I could be at home resuming my looking at of porn. What do you say?” Her eyes washed over me again, and she leaned against her car. I had no idea why I was asking a random girl for sex, but, hey, if she said yes, bonus for me.

                “I like you,” she said finally, looking up to meet my eyes. “But.” She stepped forward and put her lips at my ear. “I don’t think six boxes is going to be enough, if you get what I mean.” Her hand brushed over the front of my jeans and she stepped back, yanking the gas nozzle out of her car and sliding her card.

I stood there like a sexually frustrated idiot, staring at her. “See you around,” she said lightly, climbing into her car. And then she drove off.


    What the heck just happened to me?

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