Chapter 6: I Like It Just As Much

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Chapter 6: I Like It Just As Much

 “Gah!” My head swung forward so fast a crinked my neck. Julia’s hands immediately left me to fold innocently in her lap as she gave the waiter a cute smile. Yeah, this girl being innocent. That’s about as likely as Alex getting a proper date.  “Sorry,” she said sweetly, and I saw Aaron’s head snap down to look at her cleavage. ‘Back off man, that’s mine.’ 

“Can I have an iced tea, please?” “Sure.” He blinked a couple of times before grabbing his pad of paper and scribbling down her drink. “Sweetened or unsweetened? Probably unsweetened, because you already are so sweet.” ‘Lame,’ I thought boredly. ’She doesn’t like it like that, man. I could’ve told you that.’ “Unsweetened. I’m not as sweet as you think.” Her hand brushed against my thigh, and I fought back the urge to glare at her. “And for you, sir?” I looked up to give him my drink order, seriously debating on whether he’d believe that I was over 21 so I could order alcohol. Better not risk it.

                He was tall, freakishly tall, and had semi-curly brown hair that came to a point in the middle of his forehead. He kept looking at Julia with hopeful brown eyes, shifting his huge frame awkwardly. “Can I get a Coke?” “Yup. Do you guys need a few minutes to decide for lunch?” “Uh, yeah,” I said, considering we hadn’t even opened our menus yet. “Okay. I’ll go get your drinks while you look over your menus.”

                “So, in all honesty, and no teasing, what are you getting?” I asked her, flipping open my menu. She shrugged. “I like their orange chicken salad thing. It’s sweet and spicy, cause, you know. I like it sweet, but every once and a while, I just have this need for heat.” She smirked at me. I raised my gaze slowly from my menu to look at her. “I thought I said no teasing?” “I’m not teasing.” She pulled the offended, innocent look, putting one of her hands over her heart.

“I was simply commenting on how I like my food. You’re the perverted one, thinking I was talking dirty.” She shook her head and turned her gaze to the menu. “You’re the one making everything dirty.” A little smile spread across her lips. “The things I say sometimes tend to have a double meaning, and that double meaning, more often than not, is sexual. Deal with it, McCann.” The way she said my name…. even if she’s not saying Jason, just the way McCann sounds coming from those pink, teasing lips.

                Like she knew I was watching her, Julia slowly dragged her tongue across her lower lip, crossing her legs under the table so her skirt slid up a bit. She twirled a lock of her hair around her index finger, her front teeth coming into contact with her lip.

A small sigh escaped her mouth, and I twitched. Her free hand brushed against her thigh, and I watched it with my mouth hanging open. ‘Just do it again,’ I thought desperately. ‘Or make that noise, or say my name…. I don’t really care.’

                Then she started laughing. “You are so easy!” she giggled. “Really? All I have to do is lick and bite my lips and you’re practically putty. Come on, McCann. You gotta be able to control yourself a little better, so when it gets to the real deal you don’t have one of those unfortunate early releases.” I sighed.

“Can we please not go there? I’d rather not be talking about sex the entire time we’re here.” She pouted, and she looked so adorable I couldn’t help but laugh. “Okay, fine. We can do that. Oops.” She put her hands over her mouth. “I didn’t mean it like that.” I laughed again. “It’s okay, Jules,” I told her, slipping a little closer to her and wrapping my arm lightly around her waist. “Just don’t tease… on purpose.” She giggled and laid her head against my shoulder, pulling her menu closer so we could share it.

                That was the first time we’d touched each other without it being sexual or harassing. And, to be honest, I like it just as much.

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