Chapter 16: Waking Up To Love

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chapter 15: waking up to love

Julia's P.o.v. 

  I woke up wrapped in a familiar pair of strong arms, tangled in his lanky body and the quilt that hadn't been on us when we'd fallen asleep. I groaned and let my head flop back onto his chest, wishing for sleep. 

   'You make me, feel like I'm livin' a teenage dream, the way you-,' I groaned and lazily reached for my annoying phone, laying on the coffee table. "Hmm? What's going on?" Jason raised his head from the pillow and blinked sleepily at me, his adorable brown eyes tired and half closed with sleep. "I got a text, babe," I said, hitting the Open button. "Oh, okay." he gave me a cute smile before letting his head fall back, closing his eyes. 

'Hey gurrrrl. U busy 2day? U wanna hang? I'm booooored. Txt me bak. Scar. 

   I blinked at the screen, barely able to process the words. And not just because I had spent half the night making out with Jase during the movie, but because I had barely talked to Scarlett since my parents excommunicated me from the church.

Sue had been seriously religious, and I was surprised when she had showed up at my house the day after the whole thing with a giant container of cookie dough and Remember Me. I hurriedly texted her back, stopping mid-text. Did Jason and I have plans today? I mean, we had been hanging out nonstop for the past couple of days, so was today going to be the same? 

  Right on cue, Jason jerked awake, his hand jerking down to in between his thighs, a soft moan escaping his lips. "Uh, Jase?" I asked, looking at his 'problem' and back to his face. "Sorry," he mumbled, moving his hand up and down. "Jason!" my voice got a bit louder and he have me a cheeky grin. "Yes?" "Are you seriously gonna do that in front of me... On your couch?" He laughed. "You know you want me to, baby." I rolled my eyes and he laughed again. Jeez, that laugh. 

 "Oh yeah, Jase, that's exactly what I want to see in the morning," I said sarcastically. "Yeah, I know," he said cockily, letting his head fall back. 

 I rolled my eyes and stood up; he reached out and grabbed my wrist. "Hey, where are you going?"he asked teasingly, gently curling his long fingers around my wrist. "My friend wanted to hang out," I said, shrugging. "Unless you had plans..." he smiled. "Nah, go hang out. When do you think you'll be back?" I couldn't help but stare at him as the morning sun hit his face and shone on him, lighting up his honey brown eyes and bringing out the subtle blonde in his hair. 

  "Um, probably not till late. Why?" He grinned at me cheekily. "Just so I know when to get the hookers out of my house." I glared at him playfully. "You hire hookers, I will personally cut your balls off." I plopped back down onto his lap. 

   "Ouch! You won't have to cut them off if you're crushing them," he whined, moving me more onto his stomach and off his...'parts.' 

  "Whiner." "Meanie." "Jerk." "Pervert." "Tease." "Man-whore." "Turd." "Butt." "Poopface." "Horn dog." "Ball-sitter-on-er." I couldn't help it; I burst out laughing at that one.

"Seriously? That's the best you could come up with?" "I was going to call you a woman-whore, but I didn't think that would go over very well." "Its nothing I haven't been called before. Except when dad called me that, he left out the woman part. I was just straight up." A look of horror crossed his face.

"Your dad called you that?" 

 "Yeah. In the church lawn in front of God and everybody," I said easily, standing up to go grab skirt, from where it had landed at the edge of the carpet. 

   "Remind me to never meet your dad," he said, taking his phone out and messing with it. "Why?"

"Because I'll make sure to beat the crap out of him for calling you names no woman like you should ever be called." My heart swelled, hearing him say that. No guy had ever given a crap about me before, and to hear Jason say that made me feel... All warm and fuzzy inside.

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