Chapter 14: giving me a blowjob

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Chapter 14: Giving Me A Blow Job

 Forty five minutes later I had chocolate powder coating my hair, egg all over my hands, milk spilled down the front of my shirt, and a egg beater I'm pretty sure I broke.


  Julia was roaring with laughter as I tried to cook, tears running down her tan face, grabbing her stomach. "Oh, god, Jason!" she gasped, bursting into a new fit of laughter as I tried the egg beater again and splayed chocolate mix all over the kitchen. "Babe, you really can't cook!"


    "That's why God gave us takeout and brownies you can buy in a plastic container," I mumbled, grabbing a.... spatula, is it? The thing on a stick with the flat rubber on the end? Yeah, I think that's called a spatula.  I moved the milk, oil, and eggs around in the bowl, mixing it in with the brownie mix. "Hey, you finally figured it out!" Julia said, giggling as I glared at her. "You really want this down your shirt, don't you?" I asked, gesturing towards the bowl. She bit her lower lip and eyed me up and down.


   "Well, of course I do. That way you can lick it off. Duh." I swallowed hard and tried to ignore the way my mouth was watering.  "Is this good?" I asked her a minute later, dipping my index finger into the mix and holding it up. She hopped lightly off the counter and slipped my finger into her mouth. I bit my lip and tried not to take it sexually. She was just tasting the mix, right? Making sure I'd done it right? Sure. That's what she's doing.


  "Mmmm." Her eyes closed and she slid my finger more into her mouth, sucking lightly. I gulped. "It's so good, Jason." She spoke around my finger and I couldn't ignore the double meaning. "Thick, and rich." She laid a delicate stress on her words, sending my head reeling, and causing the blood that was pumping through my body to rush to lower half of my body, erecting certain things.


    I pulled my hand away before she could do anything else to light my hormones on fire. "You know how much I wish that wasn't your finger?"


     I snapped when I heard her say that. I had just started to try the egg beater again, and when those teasing words left her lips my wrist jerked, spraying wet batter all over the kitchen, and us.


   Julia screamed and I started laughing. "You jerk!" she yelled, hitting me. I started laughing, wiping the batter off my face. "You did that on purpose!" "You were the one talking about giving me a blow!" I said back, laughter tainting my voice. "That doesn't mean you can coat me in brownie batter!" she was laughing too, chocolate in her hair and all over her.


    "Here," I said, still laughing, taking a step forward. "Let me help." I slid my finger down her batter coated cheek, catching the goup stuck there. I lightly licked it off my finger, keeping my eyes on hers. "Hmm. Not bad." She giggled at me. "You are so weird," she told me, slipping out of her shirt right in front of me. My eyes bulged, as did my pants, at the sight of her, um, front, fully exposed expect for that lacy red and black bra that I kind of wanted to rip off right now.


   "Gosh, Jason, don't make yourself cum," she said, turning around towards the bathroom. "I'm just going to go take a shower." I opened my mouth to say something, but she kept right on going. "And no, you can't join me."


      Well, way to ruin my fun.

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