Chapter 1

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Stephanie's P.O.V. 

2nd grade. That was the year that changed everything for me. I was only a little 8 year old girl at that time, not fully understanding what my life was about to become. I didn't even realize then that I was going to be leaving behind the most important people and places I had ever known. All I knew was that I needed to tell my best friend. The boy who I had basically known since birth. Harry Styles.

Harry and I were on the playground at recess one day. It wasn't just any ordinary day, but we were playing tag and running around like we didn't have a care in the world. But deep down I had the huge secret to tell him, but for the past few months, I haven't been able to force myself to tell him, and this day was the last day I would be able to tell him. I was moving to America, to Wisconsin, to be more precise. And I was flying out there later that day.  

I stopped running and let him tag me. He quickly turned around and ran away from me, but he noticed I didn't chase after him. He could tell something was up, so he wasn't afraid to approach me.  

"Hey, are you ok, Steph?" Harry asked me.  

"Harry, I-I have to tell you something..." I stuttered.  

"Ok.." Harry looked at me confused.  

"Harry, I...I'm moving," I forced myself to say.  

"What? When?"  



"I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you earlier but I couldn't."  

"Where are you moving to?" he quietly asked. 


"That's really far!" the little 8 year old boy cried.

"I know," I replied.

"I'll miss you, Steph."  

"I'll miss you too, Harry," I said as I hugged him goodbye and wiped away my tears.  

Just then, the bell rang, signaling that recess was over and we needed to head back inside the school. I started walking back but Harry grabbed my hand and walked side by side with me, bringing a smile to my face.

A few hours later, school ended that day and Harry and I boarded the bus to go home. We sat next to each other and didn't talk the entire ride back, although there were many things I wanted to say. But it was too late, for the bus stopped at my house. I hugged Harry one last time and exited through the doors.  

As soon as I was off, I turned around and saw Harry waving at me. I quickly waved back before the bus pulled away. Walking up my driveway, I couldn't contain the tears any longer and they came rushing out. I couldn't face my mum like this, so I sat down in the bushes until I calmed myself down.

After the tears subsided, I entered my house to finish packing. I immediately made my way upstairs to my room, not stopping for anything because I wasn't in the mood to talk to anybody. Once in my room, I grabbed the rest of my clothes and threw it in my suitcase. I was halfway done when my mum called me to come downstairs because I had a visitor. I sighed and stood up. I didn't really want to see anyone right now, but I didn't want to upset her so I made my way downstairs to see who it could be. When I had descended the stairs, I heard a familiar voice coming from the hallway. It sounded like Harry's for a second, but we had already exchanged our goodbyes, so why would he be here?

"Stephanie!" Harry shouted again.

I hadn't come into view yet, but knowing it was Harry, I ran the rest of the way down. I barely saw an inch of him before I tackled him into a hug.

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