Chapter 15

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Rachel’s P.O.V.

Did I just hear my mom correctly?!

“Wait, what?” I asked, my eyes open wide.

“You and Stephanie are going to England this summer!” she repeated, a lot more excited than she was a minute ago.

I literally screamed and jumped up and down with her. This is going to be awesome! Stephanie’s going to see her family! I need to tell her!

“Ok, ok, I think that’s enough celebration. There are a few rules you need to know first,” my mom said, calming down and sitting on my bed. Uh, oh.

“Mom, I promise I won’t drink or smoke or do anything inappropriate over there,” I listed off, rolling my eyes.

“That wasn’t what I was going to talk about, but you had better stick to that, too,” she stated.

“Oh,” I replied, sighing.

“The thing is, we want this to be a surprise for Stephanie,” my mom began, “meaning that you have to keep this secret from her.”

“What?” I asked, my face falling from its previous expression.

“Yes. Stephanie’s adopted mom will be in contact with Harry and I’m not sure what they’re planning, but something special is going to be happening, the surprise for Stephanie.”

“This is going to be hard,” I admitted.

“I’m sorry, honey, but if it works, you’ll be the happiest best friend in the world, and nothing is more important than that,” my mom spoke, using her words of wisdom.

“Okay,” I responded, half-smiling.

“The other thing is that you two will be staying in England for the summer. Not just a week, not just a month, but the entire summer,” she continued.

“Really?” I exclaimed, my mouth dropping in surprise.

“Yeah. I’ve talked with Maura and she assured me that she will have a talk with the other boys’ moms to make sure they understand some rules, too. You will be staying at Harry’s dad’s cottage, not too far from where Harry’s actual house is. They do have rehearsals and band stuff to do also, so you cannot interrupt them when all of that is going on, alright?”

“Got it,” I replied, understanding everything she said.

“That’s all I have for now, but you can’t tell Stephanie or anyone else for that matter, ok?” she finished, standing up.

“Ok,” I responded, but before she could do anything, I basically tackled her into a hug. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

“You’re welcome, sweetie,” she answered. She pulled out of the hug and shot me a smile before exiting my room.

This was going to be one heck of a summer.

Stephanie’s P.O.V.

A few days later, I decided that I would try to convince my mum again. She had still been continuously shut up in her room with her laptop and phone, and every day I became more and more curious. Something’s up, I could tell, but I just didn’t know what. Rachel’s birthday is in about a month, so she could be planning something for that, but wouldn’t she tell me since I’m her best friend and I have a right to know? Oh well, my mind has been more focused on England.

My plan was to lie about Skyping with Harry and tell her that he wouldn’t take me to see my family. It would just be the guys. I was crossing my fingers for good luck.

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