Chapter 34

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Stephanie’s P.O.V.

The familiar sounds of guitar strings being strummed echoed in my brain as I tried figuring out what was happening. Then again, I was still half asleep with my eyes closed and my face shoved in a pillow. Someone was lightly singing to the guitar, too, and I swear I heard McDonald’s and driving somewhere in there. I had a hard time understanding what they were saying until…

“TIME TO GET UP! IT’S TIME TO GET UP!” three idiotic boys were screaming. My eyes popped open to see them jumping around and on the couch that Harry and I were cuddled on, yelling at the top of their lungs. I sat up, looked at Louis, and he just smirked at me and continued singing. Groaning, I flopped back on my pillow and closed my eyes. The shouting went on for a while and then finally, they calmed down, going back to their soft singing and harmonizing on the last chord. 

Suddenly, Harry jolted up from next to me and repeated, “Time to get up!” at the perfect time and in a sarcastic tone, too. The boys cheered but just like me, Harry fell back on the couch, not in the mood to get up. 

Without warning, someone kneeled on the floor right next to my head and I opened my eyes to see Rachel staring at me.

“Guess what day it is…?” she asked, smiling.

“I know, I know, we’re going to London today,” I replied.

“Yup!” she responded. “Oh, and I’m sorry about the guys. Louis had the idea and I couldn’t stop them.”

“I’m going to kill him,” Harry remarked from behind me, propping himself up on his elbow. 

“Although, I’m glad I got it on video,” Rachel added, backing away.

“You didn’t!” I gaped. She nodded and ran into the other bedroom laughing.

“Well,” Harry sighed, pushing back the covers and standing up, “I’m awake now.”

“Yeah, so am I,” I answered.

“I’m gonna go shower first,” he told me, blowing me a kiss and then heading into the hallway. 

Laying back, I heard the familiar singing/screaming again, this time coming from another bedroom. I guess they needed to wake someone else up and from the tone in their shouts, it was someone who probably doesn’t like to be woken up. I rolled my eyes and chuckled at the thought of them. 

A few hours later, we were all packed and ready to go. The boys were loading the last few bags into Louis’ van while Rachel and I hugged Anne and Gemma goodbye in the doorway.

“Stay safe,” Anne whispered before letting me go. 

“I will,” I replied, smiling back at her. 

Rachel and I stepped down from the front porch and walked to the van, climbing inside. As expected, I sat next to Harry and he snaked his arms around my waist, me snuggling perfectly alongside his body. Everyone else settled themselves in the van and we waved out the window to Anne and Gemma as Louis drove off.

Riding with 5 idiotic boys is insane. Not even an hour later, the van smelled like boy. No, not man. Boy. How do we even live with them…

Anyway, the drive wasn’t too bad. They kept it interesting so I wasn’t bored at all. Although, there was a point where we thought the cops were after us, but thank God they sped past us to pull over someone ahead of us. 

Tall buildings and big red busses greeted us as we entered the city. I couldn’t help but smile at the sights of the famous red telephone booths and the giant bridge that crosses over the river. London seemed so recognizable to me and I couldn’t remember why. I could have been here when I was younger, maybe on a family trip or something, but nothing came to mind. But I did feel something that day, like that pang of familiarity. 

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