Chapter 11

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Rachel’s P.O.V.

I took a deep breath and eventually followed Stephanie’s footsteps upstairs. I felt so horrible and I thought she was forever going to be mad at me, but when I reached her door and noticed it was closed but unlocked this time, I disregarded that last thought. She can’t stay mad at me for eternity, I’m her best friend. But so is Harry, my subconscious mind butted in.

I turned the doorknob and slowly inched in, hearing the great sobs and sniffs coming from Steph. She was seated on her bed hugging her pillow again, but faced toward the window, her back to me. I guess she didn’t hear me come in as I shut the door a little too loudly than I wanted, which caused her to jump and whip around, looking at me. When she saw who it was, her gaze became softer and glanced at the ground. I walked over and sat down next to her on her bed.

“Hey,” I began, calm enough not to set her off.

“Sorry,” she apologized, sniffing. “I didn’t mean to say that to you, I was just…”

“It’s ok, I know,” I replied.

“I just can’t believe she was that quick to say, ‘No,’” Steph brought up.

“Yeah, I was surprised at that, too,” I added.

“She’s never going to let me go, I knew it,” Stephanie said.

“Come on, don’t be so downhearted. There’s got to be another way,” I sighed.

“Like what? We can’t just sneak off,” Steph pointed out.

“No, no, no, I didn’t mean that,” I responded. “I just mean that there has to be some other way.”

“Whatever it is, she’s still going to say no,” Stephanie replied.

“Hey, just because she said no the first time doesn’t mean she’s going to every single time we ask.”

“She said, and I quote, ‘You’re not going, final.’”

I took in a deep breath as I remembered that, but I knew her mom would eventually crack. We just have to figure out how.

We put this aside for the rest of the night and focused on having a great time, since we hadn’t had a sleepover in a while. The night was amazing and I hadn’t laughed like that in a while, same for Stephanie. As we drifted off to sleep for the night, our smiles were still etched onto our faces and the incidents that happened earlier were momentarily forgotten, faded into the black of the night.

Harry’s P.O.V.

This past month has been non-stop running around like crazy. We’ve been in and out of the studio so many times to listen to songs and write new ones and find musicians to help with the background music and all kinds of stuff one needs for recording an album. One might think it doesn’t take a lot of effort to do something like this, but let me just tell you, my brain kept spinning every day I was there. It’s not much physical effort, but it’s a lot of mental work.

Now, at the end of January, I came home from working on one of our new songs, “One Thing.” I walked in the door to find my mum cooking dinner and my sister helping her.

“I’m home!” I shouted as I slipped out of my shoes and jacket. I entered in the kitchen and hugged my mum, who took a break from stirring the noodles to embrace me.

“Hi, Harry, how was your day?” she asked, smiling.

“Good, nothing too much happened. We found a drummer, by the way,” I reported.

“You did? Who?” my sister, Gemma, questioned.

“Niall’s best friend, Josh,” I mentioned.

“That’s cool!” my mum replied, moving about the kitchen.

“Yeah, Niall asked him if he wanted to join our band and at first, he didn’t want to but we really needed a drummer so finally he accepted,” I said.

“Have you met him yet?” Gemma asked.

“Not yet. Niall said he’ll be coming in a few days,” I delivered.

“That’s great, honey! Oh, I’m so proud of you!” my mum responded, coming over and hugging me again. She sprinkled some herbs on a loaf of bread and handed the plate to me. I brought it over to the table when someone knocked on our door.

“I’ve got it,” I announced, and sprinted to the door, opening it up to find a young man standing there.

“Hello,” he greeted, holding out his hand.

“Hi,” I answered back, shaking it.

“Are you Harry Styles?” he asked, eyeing me closely.

“Yeah, I am. Why?” I replied.

“I have a serious matter to discuss with you,” he responded, clearly becoming more nervous. As I continued to watch him, he seemed familiar. “Would you mind if I came in?”

“You’re not a paparazzi or anything, are you?” I asked, making sure he wasn’t a killer or something.

“No, no, no, I promise I’m not here for anything like that,” he responded.

“I’m not sure if I should let you…” I said, my voice shaky and agitated.

“Please? It’s about a very important person that I’m pretty sure you care about a lot,” he begged. I stared at him as I tried to figure out who he was talking about.

“As long as you’re not here to kill me,” I answered, holding open the door even more to let him in. He entered inside and I shut the door behind him.

“Harry, who’s at the door?” my mum yelled from the kitchen.

“Just someone from the band!” I lied.

“Don’t make it too long! Dinner will be ready soon!”

“Okay!” I shouted back.

“Is there any place we could talk privately?” he asked, neatly taking off his shoes. I swear, something about him seemed recognizable, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

“Um, sure, right in here,” I said, leading him to the small family room. I sat down on one of the sofas as he did the same, facing me.

“You’re still probably wondering who I am, right?” he questioned, laughing a little bit.

“Yeah,” I answered, following his mood.

“I’m so bad at this,” he chuckled. He inhaled a deep breath before continuing, “I’m Stephanie’s brother.”


I feel like this is a really short chapter (sorry!). Anyways, thank you for reading this and please keep voting and sharing! 

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Rachel and Stephanie :)

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