Chapter 14

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Stephanie’s P.O.V.

A few days later, school became more and more hectic as teachers tried to cram in last minute chapters in the last 2 months of school. After a long day, I was glad to finally go home and relax. Rachel’s mom dropped me off at my house and I entered inside, my stomach growling in hunger. But the sight that my eyes saw as soon as I swung open the door surprised me.

My adopted mum was sitting at the kitchen table, laptop open in front of her. She looked as if she was speaking and me walking inside the house stopped her mid-sentence. I shut the door and looked at her with a confused expression, hardly moving.

“Helen?” A familiar female British accent spoke out of the computer. My mum scrambled to lower the volume on the laptop and stood up.

“Stephanie, why don’t you go up to your room and do your homework?” she said in a calm tone, smiling a bit.

“Um, ok,” I answered, slinging my bag across my shoulder again as I had taken it off due to the amount it currently weighed.

I walked past her and up the stairs to my bedroom, setting my heavy backpack on the ground. As I proceeded upstairs, I thought about how weird that was. First of all, my mum rarely video chats with anyone. She doesn’t keep in touch with friends back in England and there aren’t many families here in America she would video chat with. Second, I heard a British accent coming from the laptop, so it had to be someone from England, but who? And third, usually I have a snack when I get home from school. I found it unusual that she would tell me to immediately do my homework the minute I step in the house. What was going on?

Just like the rebellious teenager that I was, I headed back down the stairs to find out. I wanted food, anyways, so I was hoping I wouldn’t seem suspicious. I stepped into the kitchen but my mum wasn’t there anymore. Confused and curious, I grabbed something to eat and slowly searched the house for her. I found out she locked herself in her bedroom. Rolling my eyes and sighing, I went back upstairs to finish my homework. I had a lot, so getting it done now would be a lot easier on me later.

Dinner came and by that time, my mum had completed her video chat. My mum, dad, and I sat down at the table with our plates filled with food, and after a small silence, I tried asking her about the video chat nonchalantly.

“So, mum, what was going on when I got home?” I began. Her eyes widened as she realized what I was doing.

“Oh, nothing, just someone from work,” she lied, avoiding eye contact and eating her dinner. My adopted dad didn’t say anything, but I knew he would interrupt if I dug in too deep.

“I heard a British accent, though,” I continued, trying to stay on the surface.

“There are other people who live around here who are from England,” she fabricated.

“But it seemed like you didn’t want me to know because you sent me to do my home-”

“That’s enough, Stephanie,” my dad interfered.

“Sorry,” I apologized, ashamed. I sighed and started eating my dinner again.

After dinner, my mum immediately closed herself off in her bedroom again, this time with her phone. I helped my dad with the dishes in silence and headed back upstairs to finish my homework, which wasn’t much. Hopefully, I could accomplish all of that and still have time to relax with some TV. I was still very curious about my mum and had a hard time focusing on my studies, and it took me the entire night to wrap it up, which meant no relaxing time for me. Great.

Rachel’s P.O.V.

Dinner tonight was crazy. My brother was bragging about his new girlfriend, my dad was grumpy from work, and my mom took a random phone call in the middle of eating. She talked all through dinner and the clean up afterwards in her bedroom, not coming out once. Because my dad was in a bad mood and brother was the opposite, I was the one who had to clear the kitchen and pick everything up while those two sat in front of the TV. Welcome to my life.

After I had done that, I had a ton of homework to attack, so I headed up to my room to do so. I hate it when teachers throw every possible assignment at you in the last 2 months of school because they took it slow at the beginning of the year. Oh well, I can’t necessarily do anything about it, so I opened my math book and began.

About an hour afterwards, my math was finished and I was working on my science project when my mom knocked on my door. I answered it and she practically ran inside, excited.

“Are you ok, mom?” I asked, concerned.

“I have very exciting news for you,” she explained, almost jumping up and down. I have never seen my mom like this, to be honest.

“Okay,” I answered, smiling a little bit at how ridiculous my mom looked.

“I was just on the phone with Stephanie’s mum—”

“Ah, adopted mum,” I corrected.

“—adopted mum—and she’s been doing a lot of research and planning,” she said. She paused for dramatic effect and I waved my arms to signal for her to continue.

“And so this summer,” she announced, “you’re going to England!”


Sorry for the short chapters, guys! I promise they will get longer as the story progresses, it's just kind of hard right now because there are so many little details that need to be added in!

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​Rachel and Stephanie :)​​​​​​​​​​​​

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