Chapter 5

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Stephanie's P.O.V.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God," I kept repeating as I was pacing around the living room.

"Stephanie, calm down, ok?" Rachel said.

We had just sent him the friend request and I was freaking out. What if it's the wrong one? What if he doesn't remember me? What if he doesn't want to talk to me again? What if-

"Steph, snap out of it!" 

"What?" I asked, blinking and returning back to reality.

"It's going to be fine. Look, should we just watch some TV to get your mind off of this?" Rachel asked.

"Sure," I replied, heading to the couch. 

"Wait," Rachel said, and turned back around to the computer, which made a dinging sound. I watched as she checked out what happened and her facial expression said everything. I jumped up from the couch and raced over by her.

"He accepted?!" I screeched.

"Yes!" Rachel screamed back. We both were jumping histerically in the kitchen when Rachel's mom came down the stairs.

"What's all the screaming about, ladies?" she asked, confused. We immediately stopped and played it off like it was nothing.

"Um, nothing," Rachel and I responded together.

"Well, ok," she said, eyeing us before heading into the other room.

"I can't believe it," I uttered. "I never thought this would happen."

"Well, it did!" Rachel shouted. 

We celebrated for a little bit after that, and then finally we calmed down. I really didn't understand why Rachel was so excited. It was a good thing, though, otherwise I wouldn't have had anyone to be excited with. 

The rest of the night, I couldn't contain my happiness. I eventually fell asleep dreaming about what's yet to come.

Waking up at 1:42 am because of my iPod (it would not shut up from its annoying ringtone from Facebook), I lazily grabbed it, unlocked it, and found out Harry sent me a message. Eep!

Hey Stephanie, can't talk right now because I'm about to go to school, but I hope you're doing well. Hope we can chat sometime soon. Miss you! 

-Haz xx

My heart was pounding against my chest as I set my iPod back on my nightstand and laid back on the bed, a smile plastered on my face, and drifted off into sleep once more.

The next morning, I remembered that Harry had sent me a message, so before I left home, I made sure to reply him back.

I've been managing all right here, made some really great friends but I miss you so much, too. How's everything back home? I miss England a lot! Write back soon!

-Steph x

All day at school, I was so jittery and excited, I couldn’t wait to get home. Once the final bell rang, I raced home and sure enough, there was a message waiting for me.

Glad to hear you’re doing all right :) Everyone misses you, not as much as me, but if you came back, I’m pretty sure they’d be all over you, too. Someone bought your house a few years ago, an elderly couple, I think. They seem nice, but I don’t want to intrude. 

Anyways, school isn’t the same without you. You remember that douche, Kyle? Well his fighting skills have improved and he has targeted me. Yeah, Kyle bullied me a few years past. He leaves me alone now, but I will never forget. He’s found other people to hang out with, and so have I. Well, it’s more like a band. Our name is White Eskimo and we just won a Battle of the Bands competition! I’m the lead singer, surprisingly. I never really knew I had a singing talent. By the way, I’ve got some exciting news for you when you get on!

I replied back:

Aw, tell them I miss them, too! Haha, does my old house still look the same?

When I come back, I'm going to punch Kyle. He was so mean to me, remember? Hope you didn't get hurt real bad...

Yeah, you never told me you sang! I saw an article about how you auditioned for a singing competition show, The X-Factor. What's that all about?

A few seconds later, Harry responded back:

Haha, yes, your house still looks the same :)

Yeah, I remember how mean he was to all of us. It took me all my strength not to punch him when he was mean to you. No, I didn't get hurt really bad, just some minor cuts and bruises. 

Since people knew about me in White Eskimo, they suggested I audition for The X-Factor, and I did. I made it through to the next round and I am so nervous, Steph. I was not expecting any of this to happen. By the way, this is the exciting news I wanted to tell you :)

Me: So, is there a video of your audition that I can watch?

Harry: Yeah, here's a link :) 

Me: Thanks :)

I click on the link and it opens a new page to a YouTube video. The video loads and there’s Harry standing on a huge stage.  I can tell he was really nervous. Well, who wouldn’t be?

As soon as he started singing, my breath was taken away. He was amazing. By the end of the video, I had tears in my eyes. I couldn’t believe it.

Me: That was amazing. I’m literally crying :’)

Harry: Crying in a good way?

Me: Yeah :)

Harry: Good, because if it wasn’t, I would’ve gotten on a plane to Wisconsin right now :)

Me: Would you really do that?

Harry: Yeah! I’m 16, I can take care of myself!

Me: Haha, ok :)

Harry and I talked for a bit longer about how life has been like back in England, how it’s been for me here, what we’ve both been up to. I was curious to find out about his girlfriend, Jade, but I didn’t want to upset him or anything about bringing her up, so I just left it alone. Before I knew it, it was dinnertime and Harry needed his sleep, so we ended our chat for the day. Nothing could kill my happiness. 

Harry's P.O.V.

Chatting with Stephanie tonight was the best thing ever. I’ve been having this nervous feeling ever since I stepped on that stage, and surprisingly, talking to her made it go away. I have no idea how, but it felt amazing.

As I was climbing into bed, my phone buzzed again. Thinking it was Stephanie, I grabbed it as fast as I could, only to see Jade’s name pop up. Ugh. She had seen that Stephanie and I became friends on Facebook and was curious about it, more curious than she had to be. I tried to explain it to her, but she wouldn’t listen and now she’s mad at me. God, I hate girls like this. I love her, but…wait, do I really love her if I hate her like this? Wow, I must be losing my mind. I love Stephanie. Woah, what? No, I love Jade, she’s my girlfriend. No, you love Stephanie. No, Jade. Stephanie. Jade. Stephanie. Jade…Stephanie….Jade….StephanieStephanSteph….


Sorry about the late update, guys! It was Homecoming for us this weekend and a lot of things have been happening in our personal lives, we haven't had a chance to write anything! We did say we'd try to update as best as we can, so please be patient with us!

Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! Thanks for reading! 

Rachel :)

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