Chapter 17

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Harry’s P.O.V.

Steph, Rachel, and I piled into Steph’s mum’s van, ready to head back home. Well, home for me. My feelings were all jumbled inside; I wasn’t exactly sure what to feel at a time like this. After 9 long years, Steph and I finally got to see each other again. It felt like a dream, something that wasn’t quite real. But when I was hugging her, I didn’t want to let go because I was afraid she would slip out of my fingers again. The expression on her face told me otherwise, as I eventually did let her go, but she will be mine.

On the ride to her house, I couldn’t stop staring at her. She was just so beautiful; a grown up version of the girl I had childhood memories with. I loved how her accent and the light in her eyes was still there, never fading throughout the years. Her personality didn’t change, either, as she was chipper and happy from the moment I saw her today.

The past couple of days had been anxiety for me. I knew we had to keep this secret from Stephanie because I really wanted to surprise her, but I also just wanted to see her. I flew in to Chicago on Sunday, meeting Rachel and her mom at the airport. They were very nice and I got to know them as we drove up to Wisconsin, pleased with Rachel for being Stephanie’s best friend and making this happen. I stayed at their house throughout the week, hardly leaving the house. I felt very cramped but I wasn’t sure where else I’d go because first, I didn’t know this area, and second, people might recognize me. It has been a year since I was on The X-Factor, so I had no idea how worldwide One Direction have gotten.

Thankfully, the week went by fast and it was Friday, meaning I would help Rachel with packing and then surprise Stephanie at school, my favorite part. It continued going fast because the surprise was already done by the time it registered in my brain and I wanted to rewind and do it all over again. My heart was beating so loud while I was waiting for them that I was pretty sure it was echoing in the lobby, but it was an amazing feeling when I saw Stephanie step into my view. That was a moment I would never forget.

We reached Stephanie’s house and we clambered inside, hurrying to finish her packing. Our flight wasn’t supposed to leave until 9:34 tonight, but it takes about 3 hours to drive from here to Chicago, and also, they say it’s easier if you get to the airport 3 hours before you’re scheduled to leave because if there are any issues or if it’s really busy, you have time. With all of that, we needed to leave here right now.

Rachel headed home to grab her stuff, her mom accompanying her with my stuff. I helped Stephanie finish up and we loaded all of our bags into the van. Stephanie’s mum was going to drive us down there but Rachel’s mom wanted to come too to say goodbye to Rachel. Everything happened so quickly that we were already back in the van, no time to spare.

“I can’t believe this is happening!” Stephanie exclaimed on our 3-hour ride down to Chicago.

“Neither can I!” Rachel excitedly added. “I can’t wait to see Niall again!”

“I’m pretty sure he can’t wait to see you either, Rach,” I replied, remembering how freaked out he got when I told him the girls were coming.

“Eeeep!” Rachel squealed.

“Ow,” I declared, my eyes squinting as she yelled.

“Sorry, I’m just so excited!” Rachel apologized.

“So, how’s life over there? The same?” Steph asked. Honestly, there were a lot of changes, and I was afraid to tell her. I didn’t want to lie, but I didn’t want to tell her the truth.

We rode the rest of the way with me explaining to the girls what England is like, since Rachel’s never been there. I could see Stephanie was close to tears as she was remembering all of these places I mentioned, so I tried to keep it simple and brief.

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