Chapter something

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*Your POV*

I watched as Adam circled the tree, he was still looking for any trace of me that he could find.

"Come on *Y*!" Adam yelled taking off his glasses in defeat. "Max didn't mean it! He's always like that!" He folded his glasses.

"How're you gonna find me without your glasses on?" I jump out of tree landing beside Adam.

"*Y*! I swear, Max didn't mean it he's always a lil fucker like that, he's just mad, he's a mad Max!" Adam tried. I smirked at his joke but it quickly turned back into a frown.

"He said it with conviction in his voice, he meant it Adam, everyone hates me." I turned to look at Adam with a serious face.

"Now listen, if Max is mean again, you can fly home, please stay until the week ends, it's awesome having you here! Everyone loves you! Please stay?" He asked desperately.

"Just until the end of the week" I hated the fact that I agreed, but now Max just has to leave me alone.

Adam led me through the door and in the direction of his office, of course passing Max on the way.

"Can I talk to her?" He asked us. I shook my head no, never would I talk to him.

"I don't wanna talk to you Max." The rage stirred inside me.

"Max, I don't blame her, you're not nice to her, go back to editing so she can chill for a bit." Adam said politely but Max obeyed and Adam started leading me away again, I gladly followed to get away from Max.

I chilled in Adams room until he had to record so I left and went back to the desk next to Max. He turned to me.

"I'm sorry, that was mean to say..." He started

"I don't wanna hear it Max, what's done is done, you can't change anything!" I angrily said fixing my gaze with his. I saw a flash of hurt in his eyes, did I care? No. He can hurt all he wants just so long as it doesn't involve me.

"Fine, what I said was true, no one here likes you, you're a brat with a brain the size of flea and no editing skills at all, just go back home to your mommy and daddy little girl, that's where you belong, an immature child like you...this is no place for you, go home!" He stood up and walked away. The rage and the pain and the sadness welled up making it too much to handle. I stood up and walked to the bathroom.

"One, two, three, four, five, six...." I stared at the streams of blood coming from the six razor marks. "Why me......?" I cut one more "no one likes me." I cut again. "I don't like me." Another cut "I should kill myself" last cut, ten cuts, ten for the 1-10 scale of internal pain....a 10...damn you Max, you mother fucking bitch! I washed my arm and walked out. I went to Ross's office.

*Max POV*

She's stupid, I don't like her, I feel a bit a sadness tug at me, No! I don't feel bad! I spoke the truth, but then again...I did take it far...there was much left unsaid! The fact that she can't face it, screw her!!

"Screw mixed emotions!" I snarled under my breath.

"Yo, Max? You alright man?" Tim was watching me with worry in his eyes.

"I'm fine, Tim. Thanks" I stood and stormed away into the bathroom. I curled up in the corner of the bathroom and silently cried rocking back and forth. I never cry like this. Why am I crying here and now. The door slowly opened and Tim walked in.

"Max, you're not okay!" Tim ran over and hugged me, I gently pushed him off.

"Tim why do you even care, you've never cared about me." I stared at him through my probably bloodshot eyes.

"Because I've always looked at you more than a friend!" Tim leaned in and I felt his soft lips press against mine. I stood there in shock doing nothing. I pushed him off slowly.

"Tim...I don't feel about you the same way that you feel about me." I stared at him and he stared at me with tears slowly filling his eyes. "I'm sorry." I walked away with guilt gnawing at my stomach, I felt bad to crush him. Sure, maybe I am an asshole but that doesn't mean I don't feel anything, on camera I'm different. I have true feelings like empathy and sympathy for people, I felt bad.

*Your POV*

I knocked on Ross's door.

"Come in" I heard the soft voice of Ross coming through the door. I turned the handle and peeked in.

"Hey Ross" I said softly.

"Hey *Y* come on in" Ross looked at me with sparkling eyes which quickly changed to worried eyes as he looked at my tear stained face. "Wh-What's wrong *Y*?" He stared at me with worry.

"Max is an asshole" I shut the door and sat on the floor of his office.

"Tell me something new" he joked

"Fine. I'm leaving" I stood and walked out

"Wait! Come back, I didn't mean it!" Ross grabbed my arm. I looked him in the eyes and saw that they were filled with concern.

"I care about you, I don't want Max hurting you." Ross looked at me with his enhanced blue eyes.

"Ross...I" he pulled me in his office and locked the door. He stared at me and came closer. Our faces were centimeters apart. Ross closed the distance, his lips were soft and small. I kissed back, I don't know why.

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