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A/N: I'm sorry you guys but I really want to end this book it's getting too long and sky media is no longer a thing now that Adam moved on and no one is making videos at the moment. I hope you enjoy, this is going to be a long chapter :)


*Max POV*

y/n and I have been together for almost two years now and they've been the best years of my life. She's my other half, my soulmate. I love her. She pretty much completes me and I'd be no where without her. Ross hasn't shown his face in two years so this is hopefully happily ever after.

These were the thoughts going through my mind as I walked into the jewelry store. Looking for rings in particular. I shoved my hands into the pockets of my jeans and leaned over the glass cases.

"Can I help you sir?" A worker with an indian accent approached me. I looked over.

"Yeah, I have this amazing girlfriend and I was planning on...proposing. Any rings you can think of that will....amaze her?" I chuckled. He nodded and smiled, walking behind the counter.

"This one here is expensive but she would find it beautiful." The man grabbed a box and opened it. It had a huge diamond and a silver band.

"Nah, she's not really a fan of big diamonds like that, anything a little bit smaller?" I asked.

"Yes of course sir, this one here isn't nearly as expensive and she would find it stunning." The man complimented the ring again. This time the diamond was tiny. I need like a microscope to see it.

"Ummm, that's a little small, anything in between?" I rocked back on my feet a little nervously. The man rolled his eyes and grabbed yet another box.

"This is one is beautiful, she'll love it. The diamond is not too big or too small." The man gave me a fake smile. I looked back down at the ring. It was perfect. A gold band had a small (not too small) diamond attached to it with swirly gold things going up the side of the diamond.

"That's the one. Can I get it engraved?" I looked eagerly at the man. This proposal seemed more real now.

"Of course, what would you like it to say?" The man closed the box and pulled out a pen and paper.

"Have it say, 'I'll love you forever and always, y/n y/m/n y/l/n '" I smiled though it was cheesy.

"You can come pick it up in two days." The man said. I smiled and thanked him before walking out of the store. I unlocked my car and got in, a smile plastered to my face.


Two days?

y/n and I are going to Michigan to visit her family in two days. Oh god. Of course this is happening. I groaned and put my face in my hands.

"This is unreal, why me?" I whined. I sighed and decided there was nothing I could do. I started my car and drove away.


*Your POV*

Ever since Max got back from the errand yesterday he's been actin strange. He's really hyper and then he'll just get all mad. Currently we're playing undertale. Well, he's playing undertale. I have my head on his chest while watching the TV screen.

"Max are you even packed?" I lifted my head a little to look into his face.

"Yeah, of course. My suitcase is over there." He nodded his head to the side. I looked over there to see a messy suitcase full of wrinkled clothes. I laughed slightly and shook my head.

"Nice. Want me to fold those?" I offered.

"No, of course not. You don't have to do that." I could hear the smile in his voice. I smiled too.

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