Getting Max

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-ONE WEEK LATER (when they pick up Max from the hospital)-

*Your POV*

The events of the past week went by super fast and before we knew it, it was time to get Max from the hospital.

"Adam, come on! Barney and I have been waiting forever!" I called to Adam from the doorway.

"What? Getting impatient to see your boyfriend?" Adam teased as he was putting his hoodie on.

"He's not my boyfriend! I don't even like him in that way!" I angrily said. Though I wasn't sure if it was entirely true.

"Sure sure, now let's go!" Adam yelled and grabbed the car keys. We all rushed out the door and into Adams car.

"Stupid rain! I hate Seattle!" Barney said.

"Tell me you love it." Adam joked.

"No." Barney said.

"Yes." Adam retorted.

"N-" Barney started.

"Let's not act like kids, let's go get Max." I cut Barney off.

"Alrighty.." Adam chuckled and started the car. The ride (tøp) only took about 10 minutes.

"Let's run. I don't wanna get drenched!" Adam said as he hopped out of the car into the cold rainy weather.

"Ready Barney?" I asked. He gave a slow nod, "then let's go!" I hopped out of the car and booked it to the hospital doors. Adam and Barney were right behind me.

"Whew, you're fast (y/n)!" Adam exclaimed when we walked into the hospital.

"I know." I said and dramatically flipped my wet hair.

"Ha ha, funny. You should be a comedian." Adam said sarcastically.

"Whatever, let's go get Max." I said and started walking away. "Hi, uh...we're here to take Max LaPlume home." I said to the front desk.

"What's your relationship with him?" The desk person asked blankly.

"Siblings." I recalled what I'd said the first time we visited him.

"Room 472." She gave me one look and then turned back to her computer. Rude.

"Come on guys, let's go." I said to Adam and Barney who were laughing at something on Adam's phone.

"Coming!" They said in unison and Adam put his phone away.

"What were you looking at?" I asked as soon as we stepped through the doors.

"Nothingggggg" Adam laughed.

"Seriously what?" I was getting mad.

"Nothing..." Barney said. Adam laughed again and pulled out his phone. He typed in the passcode and showed the screen to Barney again. I sighed.

"Ha!" I yelled and lunged for the phone. My grip tightened around the phone and I tugged it away from Adam's hand.

"What the hell?! (y/n)! Gimme my phone back!" Adam chased me. I looked down at the phone as I was running and stopped dead.

"Adam?! Seriously? What the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled and tossed him his phone. I was so mad. There was a photo edit of me and Max together with a bunch of hearts surrounding us.

"It was a fan edit! I didn't make it!" Adam put his hands up defensively.

"Whatever. Let's just go get Max." I said shortly.

"Alright." They said in unison again. We traveled around the hallways to room 472 and saw Max.

"Max!" I happily yelled as I saw him standing. He wasn't standing on one leg though.

"(y/n)!" He also yelled when he saw me.

"So, Max. My guess is that you're gonna have to rest a lot so, you can come and stay at my house with Alesa, (y/n), and myself." Adam kindly offered.

"No no, I'll be fine. I'll be sitting in a chair anyways." Max said. Then, he reached behind him and pulled out crutches.

"Max! What's that?" I worriedly pointed at the cane.

"Just crutches, I'm gonna need it for a little while seeing as I got shot in the hip and can't walk on it." He said as he situated the crutches under his arms. "Now let's go!" He chirped and started swinging on the crutches.

-time skip to car-

"Alright Max, take it easy." Barney said as Max was getting in the car.

"I'm not THAT crippled Barney!" Max said angrily.

"Alright, alright. Just get in then, but don't hurt yourself." Barney muttered and got in the car.

*Max POV*

The whole ride home, (y/n) and I talked. Her life wasn't that full of things but there was a bit of important things. She moved out of her parents house and started a career on YouTube and here she is now, in Washigton, with me. And Adam and the gang of course.

"So, do you plan on doing anything after YouTube?" I asked.

"Of course! I'm not Pewdiepie, I don't have enough money to support me for the rest of my life." She joked.

"Haha, yeah. I get it." I laughed.

God, the more I think about it..and I don't wanna admit this..I actually think that (y/n) is really sweet and kind. She's also really pretty too, I think I'm falling for her a little bit...I wonder if she returns the feelings?

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