Um....i cant think of title names

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*Ross POV..*

I've been waiting for that moment with *Y* ever since she came here. I don't want her to ever leave, she has only 3 days left with us, I don't want her to go!

"*Y* Please don't leave..." I begged

"I'm sorry, Ross I have to.." I could tell in her eyes that it hurt her to say so.

"But you don't have to! Stay! Please?" I begged even more.

"Ross, you can't rush me into these decisions. Give me time to think." She fixed me with a challenging in her eyes as though she dated me to argue.

"Ok!" I brightened up at the fact that she might actually stay.

"I can't promise anything, as much as I wish I had an easy Decision, I know I don't" she turned and left my office.

*Max POV*

"She said she might stay! Max, this is great!" Ross had come to my station and was chattering on like a squirrel.

"Yeah, this...this is fantastic Ross!" I put on a fake smile and cheered my voice to a hopefully convincing happy note.

"I've got work to do, see you later Max!" Ross waltzed away, clearly please at the fact that *Y* might be staying. I still hate her. I hope she leaves.

"Hold up! Ross!" I called after him as I stood up.

"Yeah Max?" He turned around to look at me.

"Are you and *Y* a...ya know...a thing now?" I forced out. If they were a couple, I would feel bad if she left.

"No, I wish we were.." Ross's shoulders dropped as he walked to his office, not as happy as before.

"Sorry.." I screwed up my face as I realized I made Ross sad....I don't like making him sad. I watched him walk back to his office and close the door. Now I'm going on a mission to find *Y* and make Ross happy.

"Hey! *Y*! Come over here!" I called down the hallway at her. She turned and looked at me with undisguised hatred in them.

"Max, for the last time! I don't wanna talk to you!" She spun around and started walking again. I raced to catch up and grabbed her shoulder.

"This isn't about our dispute! This is about you and Ross!" That seemed to grab her attention.

"What do you know about us!?" She demanded

"All I know is that Ross likes you and you'll break his heart if you leave! Stay for him!" I was getting little bitty angry.

"I don't like Ross! Max, butt out of other people's business!" Uh-oh, she yelled that loud....did Ross he- my thoughts were interrupted by a noise behind me. I spun around and looked. Ross heard.

"I like you *Y* why don't you like me back? All I've done is be nice to you, I wanna get closer to you, can you give me a chance?" Ross pleaded with glimmering eyes because of the tears.

"Ross....I can't, I'm so sorry but, honestly what's the point? Nobody likes me and I'm probably not staying." I felt a twinge of guilt at that...everyone likes her except me....I might be the reason she leaves.

"*Y* don't leave because of me....I know everyone likes you but me. Ross is right, all he's done is be nice to you, you've only been mean to him. What do you expect from a stuck up snob like you though. He's literally only been nice." I felt rage boiling up.

"And I can't say the same for you, Max!" She spun around faster than humanely possible and stormed away.

"Max! What've you done!" Tears rolled down Ross's face.

"I'm sorry Ross, I dunno what happened...she just makes me so angry." I clenched my fist. She makes me so angry. I replayed the thought in my head.

*Your POV*

I'm not staying. I cannot stay in the same state as Max let alone the same building. He's just so rude, everyone here is nice but him. To think that I thought he was cute when I first got here. Yuck.

"Hey *Y* whats are you doing?" I hear Barney walk up behind me.

"Just thinking....hey Barney? Can I ask you a question?" I looked up from my feet and looked in his face.

"Yahs, anything..whats is it?" Barney asked through his thick accent.

"Barney...should I stay? I mean...I'm pretty sure everyone hates me besides Ross and he wants me to stay...." I looked back down at my feet.

"Listens *Y*, that's up to you, I cants make that decision for you. Is want yous to staying and everyone is the office loves you. Buts, I won't deciding for yous. Good lucks!" Barney left me standing in hallway there.

"Max doesn't love me..." It took me by surprise at the claws that ripped at my heart as I said that. I don't love Max?

*Ross POV*

Max just has to ruin everything! I wanted her to stay! Now that I see how mean Max actually is to her, I see why she'd leave.

"Ross? Want me to talk to her?" Max opened my office door. I shook my head.

"Just leave her be, Max. Give her time to think.." I got up and left my office. If *Y* doesn't stay because of Max, I'll never talk to him again. (OMG IM LISTENING TO THE SOUND OF SILENCE BY DISTURBED AND ITS SO FRICKEN GOOD!)

"Ross, come back!" Max rushed up to me.

"Max! Go away!" I started running

"Ross! Please! I said sorry! I didn't mean it, I really didn't!" Max was catching up to me.

"Max! Leave me alone!" I ran even faster. "I don't wanna talk to you right now!"

"Ross!.." Max slowed to a stop staring after me with hurt in his dull brown gaze.

"Max, you are the meanest person I've ever met! I wish we never met!" I regretted that instantly. Max's gaze went dark with pain, loss, and sorrow. I saw the tears flowing out of his eyes freely.

"I-I'm sorry Ross" Max slowly walked away with his shoulders hunched and his head ducked.

"Max!" I called after him... He took one last look at me with those pitiful eyes and continued walking.

Underlined= Max and Ross's thoughts together
Bold= Max

I understand why
Why did I say that
I'm a terrible person
He IS mean after all
I'm sorry to everyone
I hope he feels bad
I feel so bad
I feel so bad
Ross, *Y* I'm so sorry
I shouldn't have said that
I just lost my best friend

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