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*Your POV*

I continued to stare at Ross in horror as if I couldn't comprehend what he'd said.

"*Y*! Help me!" Adam yelled, snapping me back to reality.

"Right, sorry!" I rushed over to Max and Adam.

"Just remember what I said, *Y*. Don't forget it." Ross got in his car and drove away.

"Well, there goes our chance of getting home." Adam sulked.

"Adam, try to get a pulse on Max, I'll see if I can call someone." I ordered as I whipped out my phone. No service. Great, just what we need with a man who's been shot.

"I got a pulse!" Adam happily called over to me.

"I don't have service, I'll climb a tree and see if I get some up there!" I dashed over to a tall tree with branches going all the way up. I started climbing and by the middle of the tree, my legs were aching and my hands were rubbed raw from the rough tree bark.

"Try right there, your pretty high up!" Adam called up as he watched my movements.

"Ok-Okay!" I called down, my chest was heaving with the effort of the climb. I steadied myself on a branch and sat down. I pulled out my phone and found that I did in fact, have service. "I got service!" I looked down at Adam excitedly.

"Great! Use it then!" Adam danced around in happiness.

"Obviously!" I mentally shook my head at him. I quickly dialed the first person I could think of. Barney.

"Hello?" Barney answered.

"Barney! Adam and I need your help, asap!" I quickly explained what happened I left the part out about Max, I just said that we were chased by Ross and we needed help home. I also gave directions to where we were.

"I'll be there as soons as I can gets there!" Barney hung up and I guessed/hoped he went to a car.

"Adam! Barney's on his way!" I called down as I started to lower myself branch by branch until my feet hit solid ground.

"He'd better hurry up." Adam fretted.

"It's Barney, if there's anything I know about him, it's that he hates being late...he'll hurry." I tried to push his spirits.

"Max was shot in hip, just left of his stomach.." Adam suddenly said.

"That's not his hip nerd!" I joked, I didn't know what it was called....it might've been his hip but I don't know or care, just so long as Max is safe.

"Well then what is it called? Smarty pants!" Adam teased.

"I don't know, only smart people would know that!" I retorted.

"I thought you were sma-" Adam cut off as we heard a car crashing through the trees. "Barney I hope?" Adam looked at me.

"I hope." I shrugged. We both stared apprehensively into the trees and we saw a silver car pull through.

"Barney!" Adam and I both gasped in relief.

"Whats you doings out here?" Barney jumped out of the car with a bewildered look on his face.

"Ross chased us, we did all we could to get away...Barney?" Adam started to tell the story but broke off as Barney wasn't paying attention.

"Is that Max?" Barney turned his horrified look on me and Adam.

"Ross....Ross shot him....just left of his stomach. Remember? I told you." I looked away feeling uncomfortable.

"No! Nots Max!" Barney rushed to Max's side slowly shaking him.

"Barney! Stop! You'll make the bandage fall off!" After Adam exclaimed that, I realized the makeshift bandage of leaves and shoelace.

"Nice thinking Adam." I congratulated him on the bandage.

"Thanks, the bleeding needed to be stopped, even if I can't run in my shoe without it falling off." Adam joked.

"Adam! Hows can your be making joke! Max is hurt!" Barney stormed up to face Adam.

"Sorry man, I'm just trying to lighten the mood. Now, please take us back to town and to the nearest hospital." Adam walked toward Max's body and he heaved Max on his shoulders.

"Put him in the back." Barney ordered as he strutted towards the car.

"I call shotgun!" Adam raced to the passenger side after he gently put Max in the back.

"Yeah, I'll watch over Max." I say sarcastically walking to the side with out Max laying on the seat. We got in the car and we drove off.

"Poor Max, he was trying to save us..." Adam murmured. Eventually Adam and Barney were talking louder and more often until they started a whole never ending conversation/argument about Overwatch.

"Oh, Max....why did it have to be you? If you die, I'll never forgive myself. Sure, you were an ass when we met but you've changed for the better....you've been awesome to me since Ross murdered Tim and I was looking forward to a nice friendship with you...I'm sorry for being mean, for being unforgiving, for not listening to you....you mean a ton to me now and I don't know what I would do without you, friend." I whispered quietly as tears streamed down my face.

"*Y*...." Max rasped and fell still again.

"Max..." My tears fell on his face because he was laying on his back. I quickly brushed the tears off of his face and ran my hand through his hair. I saw the corner of his mouth twitch into a smile. At least he was conscious.


"When can we see Max?" Adam paced about the waiting room for about an hour

"They'll get us when they want to, chill Adam!" I was short tempered because I was nervous too, what if he didn't make it? He'll make it....right? He has to live, he must!

"Adam, *Y*, and John?" A doctor came out.

"That's us!" I stood up.

"Your brother will see you now, be quiet, he still needs rest." The doctor led us away to Max's room. "Just in here" the doctor turned and left

"What's this about us being siblings?" And rounded on me.

"The only way we'd be able to see him is if we were immediate family." I explained

"Oh" Adam replied emotionless

"Guys..." We heard a pitiful rasp from the bed

"Max!" I rushed to his bedside. "How do you feel?!" I fretted.

"Like hell...."

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