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*Your POV*

Jesus, Max has a dark past... At the thought of Max I looked at my shoulder to see a sleeping red head. I was still a bit shaken from my dream and as Max slept, I thought about the nightmare that I had at Adam's house.

It seemed so real..I'm glad it wasn't but, wow. Red died, Adam died, Barney was absolutely insane...

"What are you thinking about?" Adam asked me.

"Oh nothing" I sighed. I looked down at Max again and kinda zoned out while looking at him.

Damn he's hot... Wait. What? I think I need to accept the fact that I may be falling for Max a little bit.. But who wouldn't? He's really handsome.

"Earth to (y/n)" Adam said. I snapped back to attention and blushed.

"What?" I asked shortly.

"Do you like him?" Adam whispered the question. I shrugged.

"I don't know." I lied.

"You know you can tell me? I won't tell anyone." Adam quietly laughed. I looked at Max who was still sound asleep on my shoulder and then I looked at Barney who was in shotgun who was also asleep.

"Alright fine. I guess I do a little bit.." I quietly said.

"I knew it!" Adam fanboyed a little bit.

"Adam!" I whisper-shouted a little annoyed. "Nobody can know about this! Especially not Max!"

"I know, I know!" Adam whisper-shouted back.

"Thanks Adam." I said. And I meant it, it's not all the time that a good friend like him enters your life. But, Max..he seems like a good friend, I only just met him a little over a week ago but I feel like I could trust him with my life.

"Don't mention it. So, when was the last time you uploaded on your channel?" Adam asked.

"Oh shit! It's been a few days! Uh, Adam..." I started.

"Yeah, of course you can use one of our offices!" Adam said before I finished the question.

"Thanks Adam!" I said a bit too loudly. Max squirmed a bit on my shoulder and I froze.

"Huh? Are we there?" Max groggily asked while lifting his head from my shoulder.

"Not yet.." I chuckled. I turned to look out the window as Max snuggled back into my shoulder to sleep again.

"Wake me up when we get there.." Max sighed and fell asleep again.

(WAKE ME UP INSIDE 'can't wake up'...those of u who get it, I love you)

*Max POV*

Woah, does (y/n) like me? I mean, I guess I like her but I didn't think she'd like me of all people! Yes! This is amazing! I wasn't asleep when she told Adam and boy, am I glad I wasn't!

I snuggled down into (y/n) 's shoulder again and actually slept this time.

*Max's Dream*

I cried and I cried. I was alone on my bed, Tim? Gone, killed by Ross. Ross? Gone, probably off killing more people. So, I was alone in the apartment. And I was crying.

"Sh-She's gone.." I cried. "No no no!" The tears streaming down my face and falling into my lap. I thought (y/n) and the fact that she left, I was gonna finally ask her out but she left and I lost my chance, I'll never get it back and I truly loved her.

Suddenly a bang echoed through the house and a bullet whizzed by my head.

"What the hell!?" I shouted and stood up. I looked around my room and saw a figure standing in the corner.

"Son.." I heard the raspy voice.

"Dad?" I took a step towards the figure.

"I've missed you son. Come home.." My father rasped.

"Really? You're asking me to come home? Hell no! You know what you did to me? You did this! I pulled the sleeves of my shirt up to my elbows and showed him the scars from the handcuffs.

"I'm sorry.." He took a step towards me and I could smell the liquor on his breath. I took a step back.

"Sorry?" I spat. "Sorry for making me miss 2 years of my life? Sorry for making the whole state of Louisiana worried? Sorry for hurting me, starving me, and beating me? Or sorry for being my father?" I growled. "You're not my father, you never were!" I shouted and grabbed the closest thing to me and chucked it at him. It was a pair of head phones.

"Max!" He shouted and lunged at me. He tackled me and we rolled around on the floor and wrestled. Eventually he pinned me against the floor and pulled out his gun. "Nah, this won't be fun to kill you with." He muttered and threw the gun aside. Then he pulled out a knife.

"Father.." I breathed.

"You're not my son." He growled and stabbed the knife in my stomach. He pulled it out and stabbed again and again and again. I felt the hot tears pour down my face and my vision slowly faded to black.

*end of Max's dream*

"Father!" I yelled and sat up in the seat. I felt tears on my face and the sweat. I broke down crying.

"Woah, Max! What's wrong?" I heard (y/n) ask.

"N-nothing.." I stuttered through the tears. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and I put mine around her, I cried into her shoulder and she rubbed my back.

"Shh's alright, it was just a dream.." She soothingly whispered. I started calming down and I unwrapped my arms from around her.

"Th-thanks.." I sniffled and looked at her. Her face was filled with worry and I felt bad that I made her worry about me.

"No problem." She continued to look at me and I continued to look at her.

"I-I'm sorry.." I said and turned away from her.

"Sorry for what?" She grabbed my shoulder.

"For making you worry.." I mumbled and looked at her again.

"It's okay! Really." She looked into my eyes and I looked into hers. She had tears running down her face too. I felt really guilty and scratched the back of my neck. I looked up at her again. I dried my face with my sleeve.

"I'm still sorry, I feel bad that I made you worry." I muttered.

"It's no big deal.." She said. She still had tears running down her face and she grabbed her head and hid her eyes.

"Hey hey, what's wrong?" I grabbed her hands and pulled them away from her face.

"Nothing. Heh.." She sadly shook her head. I grabbed her chin and pulled her head up.

"You can tell me anything.." I whispered

"I know.." She whispered back. We looked at each other for a while and we started leaning in. Our lips connected and I felt fireworks explode. I still had my hand on her chin and our lips moved in sync. We parted.

"Honestly, I've wanted to do that since I met you.." I whispered.

"Honestly, me too." She whispered back. We smiled and kissed again. I heard Adam squeal.

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