Barneys back...

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*Red's POV*

I'm terrified. I sat there with my back to the door with Barney banging on it from the other side. I'm also hurt. I'm in so much boyfriend....he's mad, he wants to kill me....why? No one at the office knew we were one knew.

I can't let (y/n) know this, but I'm scared...for life, her life, his life, the whole state of Washington...for my relationship with Barney...

"Red..?" I heard (y/n)'s soft voice float over to me.

"What?" I looked up at her.

"Can he get in?" She asked and I saw tears on her eyelashes.

"I don't think so, he doesn't have the key..." I said and pulled the lanyard with the house key on it, from my pocket.

"Okay good.." She sighed and I saw her relax.

"Reds! I will kick down this door!" Barney yelled through the door.

"Barney! Go away, I don't know you anymore!" I cried out to the other side. As much as it pained me to say it, I knew it was true. I thought I loved him...maybe not.

"Reds..." I heard Barney mutter. I guess what I said had triggered him. "Reds, I've known yous for so's long..."

"Red..." (y/n) looked at me and at the door. "Should we let him in?"

"I- I don't know..." I mumbled and looked at my knees. Suddenly, my phone made a dinging noise.

"What was that?!" (y/n) stressed.

"It was just my phone..." I told her and pulled my phone out of my pocket to see a text from...Ross.

Italics- Ross Bold/Italics- Red

Hello, Michael. Did you hear about John? He's gone mad.

Ross! Did you do this?

What if I did? What can you do Michael? He's far from your reach...he knows nothing...nothing, but chaos.

Ross! What did you do to my friend? Make this better! Barney doesn't deserve this!

You can try to return him to normal, but you won't succeed. He is too far from being sane to bring back to this normal world. But, is it really worth it? You decide, Michael.

Ross, why? What happened to you?! Why Barney, why not me?

He knows nothing but chaos. He is fueled by death and destruction. He must watch others perish in order to survive. That's all he knows...madness. You can try to bring him back...but fail.

Good luck Michael.

"No..." I whimpered.

"Red, what's wrong?" (y/n) came and knelt down next to me.

"This can't be happening to Barney...Ross did something to him, now he's gone crazy.." I let a tear slide down my face.

"Reds! Open the door!" Barney shouted and started banging on the door again.

"Barney! Please, stop!" I pleaded. He stopped.

*Barneys POV*


I smiled as I saw Red laugh at my joke.

"Barney, you're the best boyfriend ever!" Red said, still laughing.

"No, you'res the best!" I smiled wide and hugged him. I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Hey, who's that?" I saw Red point at someone through his office window, she was walking in with Adam.

"Wells, I'm gonna gos find out." I said and stood up. I turned the knob and pushed on the door.

"Hey! Who the babe Adams?" I asked as I walked up. I didn't actually think she was a babe, I just needed people to think I liked girls so they didn't think Red and I were together. We both agreed on this.

"I'm (y/n)!" She declared. I smiled and walked back to Red's office.

"So? Who was she?" Red asked smiling as I entered.

"Her name was (y/n)" I said and sat down next to him on the couch and put my arm around him. (Red actually has a couch in his office xD)

"Hm, what'd you say?" He asked looking at me.

"I said, Hey! Who the babe Adams?" I looked at him.

"Good, that'll put him on the track that we're not an item.." He said and giggled.

"Yes, it will!" I hugged Red close to me. "Reds, I never want yous to leave me..." I whispered in his ear and held him tighter.

"I won't, so long as you don't leave me.." He whispered back soothingly.

*flashback end*

What happened? That...that was me and Red...we..wha? What's happening?!

"Reds! Open the door!" I started pounding on the door again.

"Barney! Please, stop!" I heard Red plead through the door. My knocking faltered and fell to my knees. The words were filled with sadness and loss.

Red, my boyfriend...the only one I love. No! I love No one, no one...everyone must! Stop it John! Stop thinking like this! What's happening? Ross! He, he injected me with something...I want everyone to! No, I want no one to die...

What's happening to me?

"Reds, Ross did something to mes...I need me Red, please.." I muttered through the door.

*Red POV*

"Reds, Ross did somethings to mes...I need me Red, please.." Barney muttered.

"Barney...I don't know how!" I yelled through the door.

"Reds, I remember! All the times we had together, Reds...I love you!" Barney said loud enough for only me to hear.

"Barney, I love you too!" I yelled again through the door.

"What? You guys are dating?!" I saw (y/n)'s face light up.

"Yes, no one can know!" I said.

"Okay!" She said.

"Reds...please, let me in." Barney begged.

"Barney...I, I don't know if I can...if I can trust you! You killed Adam!" I shouted.

"What!? Nos! I didn't mean it! I had no control over my body! Reds, I didn't mean it!" Barney cried.

"Barney...I want to let you in..." I said. I stood up and unlocked the door. "But please, don't hurt us..." I pushed the door open slowly.

"Reds..." Barney looked at me through his blue eyes. "I didn't mean any of it, I didn't mean to kill Adam...I had no control!" Barney said.

That was the first time I ever saw my boyfriend sob. I engulfed him in a hug and he cried into my shirt.

"Barney, I love you.." I pulled him to the couch and he laid down. I put a blanket over him and kissed his head. "Sleep tight..." I walked away.

"I loves you too, Reds." Barney murmured sleepily.

"Lock your door, just in case.." I whispered to (y/n) as I walked by her. I walked into my room and locked the door. I heard (y/n) walk into the room across the hall and heard a lock click.

"I love you Barney..." I whispered as I lay down in my bed and closed my eyes.

Now, where is Ross?

Guys, tell me if you're enjoying this book or not...pls

Also, thanks for 5k reads!!
I added Redney because if you follow me on Instagram, you might know that Redney has been my life for the past month or so.


-from me

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