The woods

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*Your POV*

I couldn't tell what was going through Max's mind but he looked calm enough.

"Max! Go faster!" Adam screamed from behind

"Adam! Look at the fucking road! You see all these cars?" Max replied with anger

"Max, go fucking faster!" Adam gritted his teeth together

"Max! Adam! Enough arguing!" I ordered as Max opened his mouth for a stinging retort back at Adam. They both sighed and shut up. I did notice Max went a little fasted though. Tee-hee.

"Is he still following us Adam?" Max had a worried expression now. I spun around and stared in shock.

"Max-" Adam began

"Max, you really need to go faster!" I stared at Max and he looked back at me.

"What do you mean?" He had a hard expression on his face.

"Ross is right behind us, he's closer than before!" I turned to stare at the road again.

"Max!" Adam and I screeched in unison as Max took a hard right turn unexpectedly.

"Shut up! I know how to drive!" Max took another hard right, now we were on an old trail in the woods.

"Fine, fine...just hurry up!" I mumbled embarrassedly.

"I am so shut your god damn mouth!" Max stared at the road, his expression was impossible to read now.

"Sorry..." I looked away.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm just....stressed right now." Max's voice softened.

"Aww! I ship it!" Adam squealed from the back.

"Not the time, Adam!" Max took a hard left this time. "I never meant to be mean to you, everyone was taking a huge liking to you and I felt left behind! Nobody seemed to notice me anymore, it was all on you! I understand why now, you're nice and sweet and you have a lot of energy! I just didn't take the time to get to know you, I took an instant dislike because everyone took an instant like, I'm sorry *Y*, I'm sorry!"

"Max, let's continue this conversation later! I'm sorry too but I'm not exactly in a mood to make a heartfelt speech right now if you understand why!" I felt so bad about what is said to him and I felt sorry that I made him feel that way.

"That's fine..." Max looked like a hurt puppy.

"I'm sorry again for everything Max.." I tried cheering him up.

"It's fine, I should be the one who's sorry." Max quickly glanced at me with an expression that willed me to feel sorry.

"No you shouldn't" I quietly whispered so he wouldn't hear me. I turned and looked out the window as we crashed through the trees.

*Adam's POV*

I ship *Y* and Max. They would be cute together, it's too bad that they hate each other.

"Max....he's even closer!" I tried to keep a calm voice as I turned around

"Adam, please. Stay quiet!" I think Max wanted me to stay quiet....okay. Suddenly and ear splitting 'bang' filled the air and the car swerved and hit a tree.

"Max..what happened?" *Y* asked.

"Well, I'd guess that Ross has a gun. And, we're just sitting here in a smoking car that probably won't work anymore." Max said sarcastically

"So....we run?" I suggested.

"That's probably the best idea I've ever heard from you Adam." With that, Max opened his door and motioned for us to do the same.

"What now?" I whispered to Max as I stood next to him.

"Now, we walk through the woods in hope to find civilization." Max stated simply and started walking.

"What wi-" *Y* started to ask out loud. Max put a finger to his lips.

"Do you want Ross to find us?" He whispered threateningly.

"No, sorry!" *Y* whispered this time.

"Alright, let's get going as quickly as we can." I simply whispered as I started walking. I hear the roar of a car behind us and freeze.

"Adam! Keep moving! He's gonna catch us if we're stopped!" Max whispered through gritted teeth.

"Sorry!" Apparently Max heard the car too. We walked for about 10 minutes before we heard the car again.

"Stop where you are!" We heard the amplified voice of Ross. Out of the corner of my eye I saw *Y* and Max stiffen and stand still.

"Shit" I heard Max mutter.

"What do we do now?" *Y* whispered barely audible.

"There's nothing we can do! He has a gun!" I turned my head around to see if Max was right. Sure enough Ross was sticking his head out the door slowly coming out with a hand gun pointed at us.

*Max POV*

"Stay where you are and you won't get hurt!" The final words Ross muttered before I urgently whispered to *Y* and Adam.

"Run. You guys must run and not turn around, be safe" I stared at them with determination.

"You're coming too, right?" *Y* broke the everlasting silence.

"Of course not. You guys need to be safe, if he know.." I didn't know how to say this to them but I think they got the gist of it.

"Max! No!" Adam stared in horror at me and *Y* had tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Max, Yes!" I yelled and jumped away from them and ran at Ross, I noticed that I had taken him by surprise because he stood there watching me for a few heartbeats before doing anything. "Run you dumb asses!" I screamed over my shoulder at them.

"One bullet can still kill!" Good. Ross only has one bullet, they'll be safe. I won't! I thought as grief surged through me at the fact that I won't ever see these annoying nerds again. I'll even miss *Y*. I thought of her face and the way everything fit perfectly together...wait. What! I don't like her! That was my last thought before the worst pain I'd ever felt went through me, I had no idea where I'd been shot because the pain was almost everywhere.

"Max!" I hear *Y* and Adam scream. The last words I that I heard came from Ross.

"You are what has happened to me. You don't deserve to live you sorry excuse for a human. More like an animal. If you live through this, search your bed, your closet, everywhere....for me. I will find you again. I can assure you." With that I gave one last look at *Y* and Adam, they looked blurry and far away.

"Sor-ry.." I gasped out through the pain as my head hit the earth and darkness clouded my vision until I couldn't see or remember anything else from that moment.

Drama stufffffff

ig: @ Redney.ftw

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