Hospital visitttttt

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*Barney POV*

"Like hell...."

"Yours okay! We were all so worried Max!" I happily danced around for a bit.

"Heh heh, my gut feels like it went to Nebraska and back traveling through an active volcano..." Max groaned.

"Well, that's what happens when you get shot!" Adam pointed out. Max looked at Adam and smiled a bit then closed his eyes.

"You guys are the best....." Max whispered gratefully.

"We were doing what anyone would've done." *Y* pointed out.

"Well....Thanks anyway guys.....I wouldn't have lived if you hadn't bring me in.." Max's voice changed into a rasp with all the effort of speaking.

*Your POV*

Max was hurting really badly, I could tell because every time he tried speaking, his neck muscles would strain with the effort of making his vocal cords work.

"Is be right back, I ask the doctor when we cans be taking you home." Barney left the room in order to find the doctor.

"I may as well go with him...." Adam stood and walked out too. I started to get up but I was stopped by an arm brushing my back.

"No, please stay?" Max stared at me as I looked back at him.

"If that's what you want.." I pulled a chair to the side of the bed instead of kneeling again.

"I heard what you said in the car..." Was how Max began.

"Oh...that, sorry" I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment.

"Don't be sorry, it was nice...I'm glad we've turned tables from when we met, I wouldn't want an enemy with you.." Max closed his eyes again.

"I wouldn't want an enemy with you either" I informed him.

"That's good.." His mouth twitched into a small smile as he lay there.

"So, are we restarted for good?" Max asked and he lifted his head and opened his eyes into slits.

"Yeah, I hope so" I replied truthfully.

"That's also good..." After a little bit of talking, Max fell asleep and I went on my phone for about 5 minutes until Barney and Adam came back.

"Wes can't be taking him home until next weeks." Barney informed me as he walked in.

"Shhh!" I shushed him putting a finger to my lips and using another finger to point at Max.

"Sorrys!" Barney whispered taking a tiny step back.

"Let's leave him to rest." Adam put in quietly.

"Good idea Adam, I'll write him a note so he knows where we've gone." I reached over to the notepad on his bedside table and grabbed a pen from the drawer.

'Hey Max,
You must've realized that we're not in the room anymore. I just wanted to write this quick letter that we went back to our houses. We can take you home next week. I'll visit, see you next time!


I finished up the letter and put it by his water glass on the table. Then I remembered, I won't be here to take Max home....

"Okay, let's go" I quietly started walking out the door shoving away the guilt I felt, I was followed shortly after by Adam and Barney.

"Guys, I won't be here when you take Max home.." I stared at my shoes as we reached the car.

"I know, I wish you'd stay..." Adam quietly said.

"Adam, you know I can't..lets go." I climbed into the car, I didn't wanna get emotional or anything. I dunno, should I stay? I thought to myself. One more week, then I'll leave. I finally decided. So I guess, one week and two days is all I have left.

"Wanna just hang at my place?" Adam slouched in his seat as he waited for an answer.

"Yeah"  Barney and I agreed.

"Hey, Adam..?" I asked for his attention.

"Hmm?" He hummed back with his eyes still fixed on the road.

"Is it cool with you if I stay one more week?" I asked.

"Yes!! It's totally okay!!" Adam jumped excitedly in his seat. I inwardly sighed, this might be another long week.

"I'm so happys that you're  staying one more weeks!" Barney exclaimed.

"Yep, I wanna make sure Max is okay.." I said as I turned to stare out the window.

"I ship it.." Adam leaned over and whispered to Barney.

"Mes too" Barney smiled at Adam with laughter in his eyes.

"Stop it you guys!" I whined. "Let's just gooooo." I whined again.

"Fine...whatever you say" Adam giggled, my guess is that he was thinking about his ship with me and Max. Adam turned and smirked at me, "You like him, don't deny your love for him.." Adam said all dramatic like.

"Adam!" I snapped, shutting him up. This definitely is gonna be a long week. Adam gave me one last little grin and he kept on driving.

"Whys is Adam driving my car?" Barney questioned.

"Heh heh..." Adam laughed and smiled. "Your loss Burnie.." Adam kept driving and ignoring Barney's protests.

"Guys, let's not argue, let's go to Adams house without noise....I need to think." I stated.

"About Max...." Adam breathed in Barneys ear and they chuckled together. I pretended not to hear because, it was true. I was thinking about Max and the way I suddenly felt nervous around him sometimes like I couldn't look at him. What is wrong with me..?

!!!!!PLEASE READ THIS SO YOU ARE NOT CONFUSED!!!!     I think I'm gonna start putting (Y/N) again because when I re-read this, *Y* just looked weird so.....yeah.

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