Ross returns

884 36 31

*Max POV*

I don't know what came over me.

I lay in bed thinking about what happened earlier...why did I kiss her? Dammit, she probably hates me now.

"Ah, who am I kidding, it doesn't matter, it's not like it'll ever happen again.." I whispered to myself. I turned over and snuggled up with the pillow next to me. I sat up and sighed. I'm not gonna fall asleep. I got up and walked to the door.

"Max?" I heard the soft voice of (y/n). I looked down to see her sitting outside the bedroom she was sleeping in.

"Hey.." I answer.

"Couldn't sleep?"

"No, you?"


"So, uh... about what happened in the car today.." I started.

"Uh, don't worry about it Max.." she turned away from me.

"No, (y/n), this is something I want to talk about." I reached out to her shoulder and rested my hand on it.

"Alright fine. I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have done it but I did and I'm sorry." She looked down after saying that.

"Wait, why are you sorry? You have no reason to be, I'm the one who should be sorry.." I said.

"No, you shouldn't, I should be the one to be sorry.." she said.

"No, really. I feel like it was too soon.. we were enemies two weeks ago and now we've kissed in the back of my bosses car! I feel like I rushed you or something...and I'm sorry." I put my head on my knees.

"I don't think it felt know how they say, 'if someone is teasing you, it's because they like you.'? Well, that's the case for me, I think I liked you and I hated the fact that I did because you were always being a jerk to me.." she explained.

"Honestly, I think it's basically the same story for me too." I chuckled.

"Heh, yeah.." she said.

"Well..I think I should get to bed now, goodnight." I said and stood up.

"Hey! No goodnight kiss?" She giggled and stood up too.

"Ha ha, fine." I leaned in and our lips met, I felt the same  fireworks as I did before. We pulled back at the same time after a little while.

"Goodnight (y/n)" I whispered.

"Goodnight Max" she whispered back. I opened my door and walked in, I stopped dead.

"How the hell..!" I stared in horror at my bed. Sitting on it was Ross. The window behind him was open and the 20 year old was sitting on my bed.

"Hey Max." Ross greeted.

"Ross, how did you get in here? What the fuck?" I questioned and took a step back only for my back to hit the door.

"There's a window, I took the neighbors ladder and propped it against the house so I could climb in.

"Well how did you know this was my room?" I asked.

"I didn't. I just came in the first window I saw." He said and took out a long blade, it looked like the one he used on Tim.

"Oh, oh ok.." I said. My hand reached for the doorknob.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Ross said as he watched my hand grab the doorknob.

"Ok..ADAM, ALESA, (Y/N)!"I yelled as loud as I could , at that time Ross ran towards me and put a hand over my mouth and the knife up to my neck. Adam Alesa and (y/n) burst through the door and stopped in horror.

"Ross! Stop!" Adam walked forwards to pull Ross away but Ross dug the knife a little ways into my neck and a little trickle of blood ran down my neck. I knew this moment was life, or death. So I grabbed the blade of the knife and pulled it away from my neck. I got a little bit of a cut on my hand but whatever.

"Max!" I heard (y/n) gasp. I pried Ross' arm off my mouth with the other hand. I ran forward as to get away from Ross.

"Ross! Stop, we will call the police!" I shouted.

"I don't care Max! Call the police!" Ross shouted back. At this time, I decided that calling the police was actually a good idea so I came up with a plan. I was gonna tackle Ross and hold him down so someone could call the cops.

"Alright! I will!" I ran towards Ross and I could see that he hadn't expected it, I grabbed his legs and he fell backwards, he dropped the knife so I grabbed it and threw it across the room at my dresser.

"(y/n) come hold down his wrists!" I directed. "Adam! Call the police!" I shouted and threw my iPhone at him. He caught it and dialed 911. I held down his ankles so he wouldn't kick.

"We have a guy here, he's murdered some people already and he's here with a knife.." Adam said into the phone.

"My name is Adam Dahlberg and I live at (insert random address here)" Adam waited a bit. "Thank you so much, please hurry!" Adam hung up.

"The police are on their way." Adam announced. I looked down at Ross too see a look of horror and defeat.

"Good, thanks Adam." I said and looked back at Ross. "I told you we'd call the police."

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