Getting Through The Dark

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My name's Audrina.
But please, call me Audi.

I'm a fucked up person, with a fucked up past.

I'm hooked on drugs, and the adrenaline of the high.

I'm always in jail, or being busted for drugs. I'm not the best person around, but I'm also not the worse.

You see, whenever I was 14 I got kicked out for having my first tattoo. Mom just wasn't having a hormonal teenager in her house with piercings and tattoos.

This was "a house of god" as she always said.

My father disowned me whenever I was 10. He always said that I was an ungrateful bitch, that didn't appreciate my mother.

I guess he was right, because I didn't.

I never thought that meeting someone with very few tattoos would change my life. I wasn't used to hanging out with the crowd that only drank, and went to parties.

I hung around the people who have been to prison a good handful of times.

I live in the heart of London. The place of the Big Ben and the double decker buses.

My life was a bad memory, full of drugs, sex, and fights.

That was, all until I met Harry Styles.

The boy who made my life a living hell.

Or so I thought...

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