Chapter 7: No Where To Go

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I didn't know why I was kissing him, but I was.

He quickly slid his hand on the back of my neck, deepening the kiss. I turned my head to the left, and he swiped his tongue across my bottom lip, I quickly opened my mouth allowing his tongue to move along with mine.

I ran my hand up to his hair, running my fingers through it. That's when I realized what I was doing.

I quickly pulled back, standing up. He just stared at me with a confused look on my face.

"I can't do this."

I turned to walk away, and heard him shouting my name. I didn't turn around, I didn't want to have a conversation with this bloke about my fucked up past. What's so special about him that I let him in to my head, and tell him the things that have fucked me up in the head?

Why would I want to tell him what happened to me whenever I was 17, causing me to be the way that I am today? 

I wouldn't want to tell him about the time that I was drugged and raped in an alley-way by my best friend's dad?

I didn't want to replay those memories that were burned in the back of my mind. Ever since that day, I haven't been the same. I would always go over to Jake's house, and spend time with him and his dad whenever my own parents abandoned me. They were the people that made me feel safe, they were the ones that took me in whenever I had no where to go.

I wouldn't want to tell some stranger everything that's happened in my life.

Thinking about the times that I had with Jake and his dad, only made my heart hurt worse. I tried to never think about those times, but they always caught up to me.

Every time I would see a dark alley-way, I would cringe and my vision would get blurry.

After the incident with Jake's dad, Greg, I got addicted to drugs. I wouldn't ever put them down.

I got hooked on cocaine, heroine, marijuana, and pills. I couldn't go a day without having some kind of drug in my system. I still can't go more than 3 days without something. It would leave me scratching the hell out of my arms, pulling my hair out, and biting my nails.

It would cause me to have thoughts that I've never had before. Thoughts about ending my life, so I could get away from this hell hole that people call Earth.

Sometimes, things got so bad that I hung myself, Only to have Jake come in and cut the rope down.

I wish that he wouldn't have been there that day, so I could have escaped.

The world causes so much pain to someone sometimes, that they can't deal with anything.

I didn't want to be here any longer, and if things kept going the way that they were, I was going to be gone.


Harry's POV

I walked around the party, trying to find Audi.

She looked so shaken up, I wanted to see what was wrong with her.

She seemed like a girl with a troubled past, but I wanted to help her.

I'm not sure why, because she always seemed to push me away.

All I wanted to do was help her, make her better. And to see her smile.

I've never seen her smile, besides the fake one that she puts on. I know that she can really smile, and be happy. But she just won't let people in, to make her life better.

She needs someone to walk into her life, and make things brighter.

She was the darkness, and I was the light at the end of the tunnel.

But I just had to get through the dark times, to make her see the bright of things. The good days will come soon, only if she lets me in.

I'm going to do anything and everything I can to get her to let me in.

I can help her, I know I can. I just wish she wasn't so damned stubborn to realize that people want to help.

That I want to help. That I can help her.

She just has to let me in first.


Audi's POV

I quickly made my way out of the house, sitting on the front step pulling out my phone.

I dialed Adams number, hoping he would pick up.

*ring ring ring. ring ring ring. ring ring ring.*

"HI! You've reached Adam, sorry -"

I quickly hung up.

"Damn it!" I yelled, putting my hands over my face. No one was there whenever you needed them the most.

"Hey, do you need a ride?"

I looked over my shoulder to see Harry standing there.

"No, I'm fine. Adam is coming to pick me up."

I heard him walk closer, sitting down next to me.

Why is everyone wanting to be so damn close to me today?

"Are you sure? I can give you a ride. It's not a problem."

"I'm sure, I have no place to go to anyways."

"You can stay at mine. I have an extra bed room.."

"No, thanks. I don't have anything to wear anyways." I said, looking down at my hands, kicking my feet on the steps.

"You can wear some of my clothes. Really, It's not a problem."

I had no idea why I shook my head up and down, but I did.

"Great, come on." He stood up, holding his hand out for me to grab.

I don't know what took over me, but I started to cry, still sitting on the steps.

"Hey, you don't have to cry. Come on, love. We'll go to my flat, and I'll run you a hot bath okay? It will make you feel better. I'll make you some hot tea, and we can watch movies if you'd like?"

Why was he being so nice to me?

"Please?" I asked, crying even louder now, noticing I'm starting to hick up. 

He didn't even answer. I felt a strong pair of arms pick me up bridal style, walking to his car I assumed.

He sat me down in the passengers seat, reaching in the back to grab a blanket, and slowly covered me up.

I shivered, and cuddled into the blanket, letting sleep take me over. 

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