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6 years later*






I've been keeping an eye on James ever since the incident with Harry at the Insane Asylum, and he's been feeling a bit paranoid. I can tell by the way he's always looking over his shoulder, as if someone is always following him. He's right about that one, because I haven't let him out of my sights. He'd spent a numerous amount of his time with women that I would often see Zayn with. 

Such a lovely way to treat your 'best mate.' James wasn't much of a person to me anymore.. I thought that he would be a decent person, considering he would never leave me alone in my room at that horrid place I stayed at.. 

I'm going to get revenge out of this whole situation if it's the last thing I do. I was currently outside of James' flat, watching him scroll through some news feed on twitter. I chuckled to myself knowing that this was the last time he would be doing anything on as social network. Or be doing anthing for that matter. He would be dead within 20 minutes from now, lying in his own pool of blood. Just as he left Harry. 

James got up from his computer desk, and made his way into his living room. Now was my chance if I was going to get this over with. I couldn't back down, because if I did, that would show that I was weak and not serious about this whole thing. And I'm not a weak person anymore, not since he took away my Harry. 

I made my way to the front door, being careful not to make too much noise, since the windows were open. I pulled the gun back from my back pocket, and brought it around to the front of my body. Getting ready to open the door handle, I noticed that it was locked.

Just great. This was going to be a lot harder than I had imagined. 

I suddenly felt a chill run down my back, like someone was watching me. I turned my head to look over my shoulder, and nothing was there. That's weird. I shook the feeling fast, turning my attention back to James'. 

I made my way around his flat, going to the back door and twisted the door knob whenever I came to it. To my surprise, this door was unlocked. I tiptoed through the flat, making my way into the kitchen where James was making a sandwich. Again, I laughed to myself. 'He's having his last supper.' 

 He hadn't noticed me yet, which was part of the plan. I wanted to make him suffer, more than Harry.. he would pay for what he did all of those years back.

I felt like I was about to sneeze, so I put the gun in my back pocket and ran to the opposite side of the flat as quietly and as quick as I could. I got to a room at the end of the hall, and stepped into it and covered my mouth, trying to make the sneeze as low as it would get. Luckily, it was a silent one. I wiped my mouth, and made my way back to the kitchen, but I noticed he wasn't there. Shit.

I turned around towards the living room, and he wasn't there either. Fuck. Where could he have went off to?

I decided to look around the rest of the house, trying not to make much noise. I'm absolute rubbish at trying to be quiet. I heard shuffling coming from a room down the hall. That's weird. If James was in a room down the hall, wouldn't I have heard him whenever I was trying not to sneeze loud? Hmm. I made my way back down the hall, to where the noise was coming from. I stopped at the doorway, making sure to keep out of his sight.

I pulled the gun from my back from my back pocket, getting ready to go into that room and make his life a living hell. What was left of it, anyway.

I stepped into the room, aiming the gun at ... Zayn?

I cocked the gun, and got ready to shoot.

"Well, look who we have here. Audrina coming to liven up the party!" 

"Zayn? I thought you were dead.. I thought Harry killed.. How? When?"

I stepped back a little bit whenever Zayn got up from his seat, holding a gun to my face.

"Well, princess.. Obviously your precious little Harry lied to you. About everything, actually. Harry's definitely no one to trust, sweetheart. I thought you had that figured out." A devilish smirk played across his face.

"So Harry didn't kill you?"

"Doesn't it look like I'm breathing, Audrina. Don't be such a dumb bitch. Of course Harry didn't kill me."

"Then why did-"

"He told you that, to protect your precious little Jake. He's the one that killed your best friend, none of us would do such a thing.. But what I didn't do, was kill your babies. They're still alive, actually."

I stood in the doorway, staring at Zayn with my mouth wide open in shock.

"No.. they're not alive. They're dead, Harry Said-"

"Fuck what Harry said, Audrina. Did you not just hear a word I said? They're alive. They're not our babies, Audrina. They're yours and Harry's. Alexander! Phoebe! Come in here please." Zayn put his gun back under his chair, hiding it from the kids who where about to come into the room.

As soon as Zayn said those words, I automatically put my gun away, not wanting to scare the children.. my children.

Two adorable toddlers came running into the room, putting on their best, dimpled, smiles. They looked just like Harry. Beautiful, curly, brown hair. Green eyes that glistened in the light, and the most beautiful smiles I've seen.

"Yes, Uncle Zayn?" The little girl, Phoebe said, smiling from ear to ear.

"Who's this lady, Uncle Zayn?" Alexander said, rubbing the back of his neck, just like Harry used to do.

"I want you to meet your mother, Audrina."

"THIS IS MOMMY?" They both yelled in unison, jumping up and down. I couldn't help but smile whenever the girl ran up to me, throwing her arms in the air, telling me to pick her up. I picked the little girl up off the floor, and hugged her tight. I didn't have much time if I was going to finish what I came here to do.

I sat Phoebe back down on the floor, looking at Zayn, then back to the children.

"Kids, go outside for a minute. I've got to have a word with Uncle Zayn please."

They just smiled at me and ran outside to play, like I told them to do. I waited for the sound of the door shutting before continuing the job that I had planned to do.

I pulled the gun back out from my pocket, for the third time today, and pointed it at Zayn. I cocked the gun and smiled from ear to ear.

"Sorry, Zayn. This wasn't on the agenda. You just happened to be in the way."

I pulled the trigger watching the bullet go straight through his head, making blood go all over the wall.I wiped my gun off, and put it in Zayn's hand, making it look like a suicide. I grabbed Zayn's gun from under his seat and made sure my fingerprints wouldn't get on it. I smiled and made my way out of the room to find James. 





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