Chapter 20: New Faces and A Basement?

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Before you read, I feel that you all should be aware that I'm going on 48 hours of no sleep.

I have been dealing with a lot of things with my daughter's dad lately, and let's just say, he misses me and wants to work things out.

So I stayed the night with him last night, and we stayed up all night talking about our feelings.

I really want to forgive him for the past that we share and the things that he's done, but I just don't think I can bring myself to do it. 

He wants me to move in with him, and I don't know what to do. 

I want what's best for my daughter, and I want a family, trust me. But I'm only 18. I know that's way young to start your life and have a family, but I'm scared to let people in.

I, myself, have a condition. Cervical cancer. The kind of cancer that I have, it could cause me to not have kids again and I might have to start doing chemotherapy for it. 

I should be alright, only because I'm a tough cookie. :) but anyways! Just thought I would fill you guys out on a little bit of information.. And in advance, sorry if this chapter is a 'bit out of place. 

Like I said guys, running on lack of sleep. & this chapter might be a little shorter than the rest. But I promise a soon update!

Enjoy :)

Also, this chapter may make you a bit uncomfortable. There are a bit of scenes that deal with rape. If it makes you uncomfortable, feel free to skip this chapter. It's a bit of a filler, but there is some useful information that I don't think you guys will suspect! Muahahaha, :)

OH & comments and votes or whatever are cool, too.

I love you, beautiful people. 

Much love, 

-A xx 




"Do you think we should wake her up?" 

I can hear muffled voices around me. I can only hope that they're a part of my condition. But unfortunately, I'm not lucky enough for that to be true. I feel someone touching my breasts, and moving their hand down to my stomach.

"She looks pregnant, Greg." 

Another voice.

Wait. Greg..?

Jake's dad.

"Of course she's pregnant. Remember what I told you? Slut, Jimmy. She's a slut."

i was guessing that was Greg. I'm used to people calling me a slut, but that was taking a bit too far. Considering he's the reason that I turned out the way that I did.

I can't much blame him for the Schizophrenia, but for the reason that I didn't care who I had sex with.

Another reason why I'm pregnant, I'm a slut. That was pretty clear. 

"I don't think we should wake her up, Greg. She's pregnant and she needs her rest."

"Since when do you care about the slut?"

"Ever since Harry told us that she was pregnant with his children."

"Shut up, Jimmy. She's waking up."


I moved around, trying to sit up. Something was holding me from getting up, maybe rope? I'm not sure. All I knew is that I had to get out of here, and quick.

I opened my eyes to see that I was in some kind of basement.

There were no windows and it was quite dark in the room. There's a couple of beds down here with dark sheets covering them. I looked a little more around the room and there was a desk with metal objects on it. I tried to look closer, but something came into my view.

I looked up to see Greg looking down at me with a smirk on his face that made my uncomfortable. 

"Miss me, princess?" He came closer to me, running his hand along my face.

I flinched at the contact which seemed to make him angry. He threw his hand back and hit my face, hard.

"What the fuck was that for? And of course I didn't miss you, you sick pig! Get away from me."

I tried to push him away, but it did no use considering my hands were tied to the best post.

"Now, now. We wouldn't want to misbehave, would we?"

He brought his other hand around in front of him to reveal a shiny object. I squinted my eyes trying to see what it was before it was brought the my arm.

The metal was cold to my skin and I automatically knew what it was.

A knife.

"Shut the fuck up. Because of you, I'm damaged Greg. I can't live my life normal anymore because of all the shit that you've done to me. Just let me go!"

"Now, I can't do that princess. You see, Harry told me that you would be feisty, so I have to keep a tight hold on you."

He smirked, climbing on top of me. I tried to push him off again, but my hands were restrained by hard rope.

"Just be still. This isn't going to hurt."

He paused for a minute before speaking up again.

"Okay, maybe just for a second."

My arm had a sharp pain near my wrist, and I felt cold liquid running down onto the bed.

"Shit." I sucked in a deep breath, closing my eyes.

"Behave or you'll regret it, slut."

I stayed still watching him undo the button to his jeans, sliding them off and tossing them to the floor.

I looked down at my body and noticed that I was naked.

What the hell is going on?

Before I could comprehend, I felt a deep pressure in my center.

I screamed out in pain and he laughed at me, pushing the blade further into my arm.

Everything began to get fuzzy.

"Fuck, Audrina. My son was right. You're tighter than I remember."

"What are you -ta-l-king about?"

The paint was too much to bare now, I could feel the blade digging close to my bone.

"Harry. Didn't you know? Oh, that's right. Remember, you never met daddy? You only met Anne."

And that's when it clicked. 

The phone call that Harry wouldn't tell me about.

That's why he got so defensive about everything. Why would Harry do this to me? I knew he was crazy, but not this crazy. Why would he hide such great information from me?

Did he know about Jake all along?

Better yet.. He only wanted me to let him in so Greg could get in too.

"You're not Harry's dad! That's impossible."

I spit in his face and that's when I felt the blade to my neck now.

"Oh, but it's not sweetheart."

Everything went black,

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