Chapter 13: Blood Stains, Ball Gowns.

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"Well, well. Look who we have here coming to save their little slut." Zayn scoffed, looking towards Harry. 

I winced, as his grip around my waist tightened. I wanted nothing more than to be released from his grip, but it didn't look like it was going to end that way.

He pushed my further into the dark alley, getting away from Harry. I heard Harry shuffling closer to us, but Zayn stopped and turned around. 

"You might as well just leave, Harry. She's not going anywhere with you. Isn't that right, princess?"

"In your dreams." I spit in his face, and kneed him where the sun don't shine. 

Zayn let out a groan, clutching his groin. I could feel Zayn's hand come in contact with my face. I was sure that was going to leave a bruise tomorrow.

I looked up at him, grabbing my face. I felt something wet and cold.. blood? I glanced down at my hand to notice that it was, indeed, covered in blood.

What the hell

"I swear to god. if. you. lay. another. hand. on. her. again. you're. dead." I heard Harry speak, not even noticing that Zayn was on the ground, underneath Harry until I looked down.

He was repeatedly punching Zayn over and over again. As much as I'd love to see Zayn beaten to death, I couldn't do it. 

I felt weak, and sick to my stomach. The alcohol must really be getting to me now. I ran a little further, and clutched my stomach. The burning in my throat caused me to throw up, repeatedly.

I was starting to get dizzy, and I was slowly falling into unconsciousness.



I felt someone shaking me, repeating my name. I don't think I could open my eyes, I just felt weak and like I couldn't move.

"Audi, you need to wake up, baby. You're in the hospital."

I slowly opened my eyes, regretting it a second later. The room was bright, and everything seemed to be white. I looked down at my arms, and there were needles poking out everywhere. I was hooked up to a machine with a liquid pouring down from a plastic bag.

Where the hell am I? Obviously,  a hospital. But why am I here?

"Huh?" I asked the unknown person.

Memories from last night, or whenever, started to flood back. Rob was feeling me up, so was Zayn, then Harry came along. Wait.. Harry?

"Harry?" I called out.

I felt someone engulf my hand in theirs. My hand was very small compared to theirs. I finally looked up to the person.


"Are you feeling okay? Does anything hurt?"

"I'm fine.. How long was I out for?"

"About.. 2 days?"

2 days?

What the hell happened? Why was out for that long? I remember getting sick, but I don't remember blacking out?

The last thing that I remembered was Harry hitting Zayn, then me feeling sick.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, but the nurse wouldn't tell me anything, considering I'm not family." Harry looked down at our hands, a tear escaping his eye.

"Why're you crying?"

"The nurse said she had something to tell you, but you didn't wake up. And she wouldn't tell me because I wasn't fa- .. "

"Miss Chronister? I need to speak with you please. Alone?" A nurse with white scrubs, with long black hair, and piercing blue eyes walked in.

"No. Harry can stay. He's family."

I looked over to the nurse with a stern look on my face, and looked up at Harry who was smiling like an idiot.

Alright then.

"Okay, only if you're sure."

"I'm sure. Anyways, what's this news that you have to tell me? I'm getting impatient."

"Ma'am, I would appreciate it if you were calm. I'll fill you out on the information as soon as you do so."

"Alright, Alright I'm calm." I told her, rolling my eyes.

"Alright, now. Miss Chronister.. I have something to tell you. And I'm not sure how you're going to take it."

Was she seriously dragging out the news? Can't she just tell me that I'm okay, and just give me some pain medication?

"Alright?" I questioned, tightening my grip on Harry's hand.

"Okay.. well. Have you ever thought about having children?"

I gulped.

Children? What's that have to do with me passing out, and puking?

Feeling weak.

Throwing up all the time.

Oh god.

Please don't tell me. 

Don't say it.

Oh god, oh god. Don't say the "P" word.

"No, it hasn't crossed my mind really."

"Well.. have you ever been around a child before?"

Is she serious right now?


"Okay, well.. We ran tests on you and..." She looked at me, to Harry, and then back at me again.

"Would you just quit with the anticipation, please. Just get on with it."

She swallowed hard before continuing.

"Miss Chronister. You're pregnant."


Oh snap.

Love you all.

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