Chapter 27: The Truth

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Three more chapters to go, guys! Spread the word and tell people about my story. I also started a new story called "The Tattoo Artist".

It's likely to give all of you Harry girls some major feels.

Basically; Harry is this crazy hot, 24 year old, insanely talented tattoo artist, the best in Hollywood. He gets all the girls and always gets his way. Until this girl, Spencer, comes along and gets a job at his shop and she tries to take his job spot from him.

He tries to get with her, break down her walls, and make her happy. But she won't let him. what's holding her back? Read to find out! I'll be starting it as soon as I finish this.

Anyways, guys. I have a goal to have this story at 10k by the end of this month. It's important to me, so could you help me out?

Also! If anyone wants me to check out their stories, send me a PM & I'll check them out. :)

I thought about doing a review book for your guys' stories. What do ya think? Let me know in the comments if I should do it!

Okay, on with the story now! It's going to be another short one, and I'm sorry!!

Love you all, always,

A xx :)






Audrina's POV.





I woke up to a pounding my room door and loud yelling. Can't a girl get some sleep around here?!

I threw my legs over the bed and made my way towards the door.

"Audrina, open up! It's Harry"

I looked through the peep hole of my room, standing on my tiptoes. Sure enough, Harry was standing at the door with a worried look on his face. The usual pink that was on his cheeks was now gone, and so was the colour on his face.

As soon as I opened the door, Harry pushed me back and made his way into my room. He started to pace back and forth, running his fingers through his hair.

"Audrina, it's Zayn."

My heart stopped.

"What do you mean, Harry? What's wrong with Zayn?"

He stopped pacing back forth and turned towards me. Harry placed his hands on my shoulders and looked me deep in the eyes. I felt a cold chill run down my spine.

"He's dead."

"What do you mean he's dead, Harry?"

Harry started crying and shaking. I could feel his fingers trembling on my shoulders.

"James. We were all over at Greg's house and -"

"Wait. What do you mean you were at Greg's? Do you mean Jake's dad, Greg? Why were you there, Harry?"

He took a deep breath and sat down on my room floor, hugging his knees to his chest.

"I was there because Zayn told me if I didn't come with him, that he was going to kill you and our babies."

Our babies?

"You know where our babies are? Harry. Where are they? What's going on? Why did James kill Zayn?"

"He snapped his neck whenever I told him that I found Zayn in an alleyway with Jake's dead body in a bag. Audrina.. he killed Jake. And our babies. Audrina, our babies are gone.."

A chill ran downy spine again. Harry began to rock back and forth, tears streaming down his pale cheeks. Why would Zayn do such a thing to such poor, innocent, children who haven't even had a chance to live their life?

Why would he kill Jake and our babies? The letter that I got yesterday from Greg.. told me that he killed Jake.

What is going on here? Doesn't anyone know how to tell the truth anymore?

"Harry, calm down. Please just tell me what happened."

"James left your room yesterday and made his way to Greg's house. I found Zayn in an alley way with the body bag that had Jake's body in it. At first I thought that he was doing dirty work for someone else, because he got so nervous about me finding him there. He told me if I didn't come with him to Greg's house, that he was going to kill you and our babies. So I went with him and whenever we got to Greg's house.. James was already there talking to Greg and Zayn smirked at me.. Audrina it was so sick, and he said 'Well I lied about the baby part, Harry. They're already dead.' And that's when James did it. Just walked right up to Zayn and snapped his neck. James doesn't know I'm here right now. Audrina, we have to leave before-"

There was a loud banging at the door and a deep, husky voice boomed through the room.

"Audrina, I know you're in there! Open the fucking door!"


"Audrina, run."

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