Chapter 24: Who Really Killed Jake?

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Oh my oh my. Almost 1k. Amazing. This chapter is going to be short, again, I'm sorry.

I hope this chapter doesn't confuse anyone, and if it does, just ask questions.

Again; I don't bite.... hard.

Enjoy, my lovely followers/readers.

I love you all, my beautiful dandelions.

Love always,

- A xx :)

Audrina's POV

Maybe I really am crazy.. I seem to think I am ever since being "admitted" to this insane place. No pun intended.

The one thing that seems to keep running trough my mind is, 'who really killed Jake'?

James is still in my room, pacing back and forth. He really thinks that I killed my bestfriend three weeks ago. But what I don't understand is, he was killed whenever I was younger.. or so I thought.

I used to believe that we were bestfriends until I was 16 and that's when the whole thing with Jake's dad, Greg, happened. I'm just so confused right now and no one seems to be giving me any answers.

They all think I'm crazy, and that I don't need to know such valid infortmation. But it's my best friend.. don't I deserve to know the truth?

I'm going to find out who did this to my best friend, one way or another.








1 hour later at Wickendale.

"James, please tell me the truth.. I know I didn't kill Jake, so who did?"

James' head shot up, and he looked me dead straight in the eyes.

"Like I told you before, Audrina.. you done it before you were admitted. Actually, that's why you were admitted. For slitting your best friend's throat."

Of course I didn't.

I would remember such an event if it was taken place, I can assure you. I know I'm not perfect, but hell, I'm not the type to kill someone. Everyone knows that, especially Jake.

Well.. He knew that. Even whenever his dad had done those awful things to me, it didn't cross my mind to kill him.

"Listen, James, or whoever you are.. I didn't kill Jake. I'm definitely not the type of person to kill someone, so why am I here? And don't bullshit me, because I can see straight through your lies, you piece of shit."

James looked at my, and a worried look took over his face before his face went back to a hard expression.

"Listen here, Audrina, I'm telling you the truth.. you killed your bestfriend."

He's lying, I can see it in his eyes, lies.

"I know you're lying, James. DAMNIT just tell me the truth."

He tensed up and pursed his lips into a straight line.

"Okay, Audrina. You really want to know the truth on who killed your poor, innocent, bestfriend? Do you REALLY want to know who drug you to this place?"

"Yes.. I do."

He sucked in a sharp breath and exhaled loudly.

"Okay, if you really want to know.. the person who killed your dearest best mate...."

He drug out his sentence and I couldn't take it anymore.

"God damnit, James. Spit it out."

There was a dead silence in the room, until James opened his mouth and began to speak.

"Audrina.. I don't think I should be telling you this. I could get in really big trouble and it could blow my cover."

I let out a heavy sigh and looked James in the eyes.

"Tell me this, James. Why are you always in my room? Every time I open my eyes, you're here. Whenever I take a shower, you're here. Hell, whenever I shit, you're here. Why is that?"

He took a deep breath and looked all around the room, before his eyes fell on me.

"Audrina, I have to protect you from everyone, especially Zayn."

As soon as he said Zayn, I shot up in my bed and locked gazed with him, giving him a hard stare.

"Why did Zayn get brought into this? James... What aren't you telling me?"

He got up out of his seat and started to walk towards the door.

"No, James. You've been here this whole time, you can't just leave now. Stay and please talk to me about this. I'm so confused. I know I didn't kill Jake. I'm innocent, please just tell me who killed him, I'm begging you."

He stopped for a minute, and turned around making his way back to his seat. He sat down and made eye contact with me before taking in a deep breath and releasing it.

"I know who killed Jake, and it wasn't you.."







I watched as he pulled the body bag down the alley, looking in all directions to make sure no one was watching.

I hurried up and backed against the wall, making sure he couldn't see me.

It was too late.

His head shot up and his eyes locked with mine.

"What are you doing here? You don't need to be here."

He paced back and forth, running his hands through his hair.

"I could say the same for you, Zayn. What's in the bag? Better yet, who?"

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