Chapter 25: Never Getting Out

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Not much to say here... enjoy.

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Audrina's POV.





"So you're telling me that you're one hundred percent sure, that I didn't kill my bestfriend. But you're not going to tell me who did it... because?"

James started sweating, standing up from his chair, pacing back and forth.
I could tell he was getting worked up over this situation, by the looks of the sweat developing on his forehead.

"Look, Audi. I can't tell you who killed your friend Jake. But I can tell you something else."

"Okay, and that is?"

I really can't handle all of the questions, and I don't want to be stalled by these things that I need to know. It's giving me a huge headache, and James doesn't seem to be spilling any information that I need to know.

I want to be reassured that I didn't kill Jake. If I killed him, I would have remembered everything, wouldn't I? James looks so nervous and I can't seem to think why he would be in the first place. I wasn't going to kill the poor lad, he seemed bad off enough as it is.

He took a deep breath and opened his mouth to speak, but a knock at the door interrupted his words.

"Yes?" James called out, waking towards the door and looked out the peep hole.

"I have a letter for Audrina Chronister."

A feminine voice was outside the door. It sounded very high pitched and nasally. I hate girls sometimes.

"Yeah sure. Just slide it under the door, thanks."

As soon as James said that, a white envelope slid under the door. James kneeled down by the envelope and picked it up, and looked at me with a confused look on his face.

"Why are you looking at me like that? What's wrong, James?"

"No one knows your here.. well. Only one person. The same person that brought you here, the same person that killed Jake, is the same person that just sent this letter.. for you."

I gave him a confused look and tried to sit up on the bed, but I had a sharp pain kick in my back so I laid back down.

"And who sent the letter?" I asked James, scratching the back of my neck.

He sighed and walked over to my bed with the letter in his hands.

"I think you should have a look for yourself."

I took the envelope out of his hands, looking at the front of the package to see if there was a name on the envelope. Sure enough, there was.

The name that was on the envelope shocked me.

Zayn Malik.

I tore the envelope open and looked at the letter that was on the inside.

Dear Audrina,

Times running out, your Harry isn't there to protect you anymore, and I would watch out for the James kid hovering over you in your little room. It's not safe. Ever wonder why the little prick never leaves your side? He's lying to you, Audrina. He's the one that killed Jake. Don't listen to a word he says. Get rid of the letter, as soon as you get done reading. And trust me, I'll know if you do it or not.

Have a great day, beautiful.

P.S. Where's your babies?


What is this supposed to mean? I'm not safe anymore? Or was I ever safe?
What does James have to do with anything?

And my babies, oh god.

I knew I was pregnant before I came into this hell hole.. but, where are they?

I looked up at James, trying not to seem like I knew something he didn't.

"What were you going to tell me before the girl came by with this letter? I didn't mean to distract you."

He shook his head and smiled, "It's really nothing, Audrina. Let me see the letter."

This can't be good. I took the letter out from under my leg and tore it up right in front of him into small pieces.

He stopped smiling and turned his lips into a frown, and stood up walking towards my bed.

"You little bitch."







"I could say the same for you, Zayn."

A smirked at the black haired boy, walking closer to where he was. I leaned down by the body bag and zipped it open, only to be pushed back by the fowl smell.

I looked into the bag, and sure enough, Jake's dead body was in the bag.

"You did this, Zayn? Why would you do this to Audrina?"

Zayn stepped back and started to look angry. He clenched his jaw, and tightened his hands into fists by his sides. "Leave Audrina out of this, Harry, she's not yours anymore. After all, she gave birth to my triplets."

I clenched my fists and walked towards Zayn.

"You prick. Shut the fuck up before I go tell Audrina who really killed her precious Jake."

He walked closer to me, pushing me back towards the brick walls in the alley.

"You wouldn't dare."

I laughed in his face, pushing him back off of me.

"Try me, mate."

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