Chapter 3: Let Love Bleed Red

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It had been two weeks since I seen the boy with the brown curls, and emerald eyes.

I could care less what he was doing.

In my situation, all I was doing was drugs, having sex, and getting drunk off of my ass. I couldn't even think straight. Things have been so fucked up the past couple of days. I haven't talked to anyone, other than the people that I've fucked the majority of the week.

Whenever I came to Chesire, I didn't think that my number of shags would go up the amount that they did.

Once I came here, about two months ago, I had only slept with 5 people. Now my number is up to the double-digits. I couldn't say that I was proud of myself, because I wasn't. It's just that the fucks make me feel good about myself, which they shouldn't, but I don't give a fuck.

I left the house that I was currently in right now. I couldn't stand to be around the people right now.

"I'm leaving. I won't be back." And with that I was out of the door. 

I bumped into something hard whenever I walked out of the door. 

"Ay, watch where you're going would you?" I didn't even bother looking up, trying to make my way past the hard surface.

"I'm sorry." I scoffed at his remark. I couldn't help but laugh.

"That's right."

I looked up to his gaze. His blonde hair was ruffled, and he had ocean blue eyes. His smile was white, and he had clear braces. I looked over his body, he was fit. He had tattoos covering his arms and some were peaking through his black v-neck shirt that hugged to his body tightly. I had to admit, he was attractive, definitely someone that I would take home.

"Oh well hey, you can bump into me anyday. Preferably inside of me, but hey. I'm fine with whatever." I winked at him, this made him tense up. He ruffled his hair, and scratched the back of his neck. A slight smirk played on his lips.

"Well, that's a way to put it. I'm Niall." His voice was rough, and deep. I could imagine the soft moans that would come out of his mouth while I made him beg for more.

"And I'm Audrina. Audrina Chronister. But you can call me Audi." I smirked up at him, putting my hand out for him to shake. 

"Nice to meet you, Audi. I've gotta be going. But I'm sure I'll be seeing you around." He winked at me this time, brushing past me.

Well, I could get use to seeing him around.


Later that day

"I ran into a lad today, let me tell you girl, he was definitely one to bring home." I told my friend, and only true friend, Megan.

She was attractive, if I do say so myself. We've even hooked up a couple of times in my past. Which was great, by the way. She was about 5'7", had long blonde hair, hip piercings, and tattoo's all over. She had her tongue pierced, and bright blue eyes. She was by far the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen in my time.

"Well, Audio, Ya know.. You think a lot of lads are one to bring home." 

"Yeah, well you were my flavor of the week once." I winked at her, causing her cheeks to turn a crimson color. I could tell she was getting embarrassed, or uneasy. One of the two.

"Yeah, Yeah. I remember. How could I forget?" She threw a pillow at my head.

"So, what are we going to do tonight?" I asked her, as she was straightening her long, blonde hair to perfection.

"We're going out."


"Out. We need to get drunk and have ourselves a good shag."

I couldn't help but laugh because I knew she was right, but she usually wasn't the one to be so blunt and open about these kind of things.

"Well well, I didn't expect you to be so open about these kind of things. Do you wanna find us someone to share?"

She blushed at my open comment. She turned around, her cheeks beet red. 

"Well.. I mean.. I've never..."

"You've never had a threesome? Megan. Where have you been?"

"Well, I just don't have the confidence to do those kind of things. You were really the only person I've ever done anything with. And I have had sex since you, not a lot, but I have. I just don't really enjoy being in front of too many people naked.

I just laughed at her.

"I said a threesome, Meg. Not a damn orgy."

"Okay, okay. Well.. I mean, I guess we could try..."

"I was kidding, Meg."

She just turned around and started doing her makeup. She didn't reply, well that made me feel like an idiot. Maybe she really did want to go through with it.

Poor girl.

Maybe, just maybe. Haha

I waited for her to get ready, while I picked out my outfit.

It was a short, tight, black dress that came about 4 inches from showing my most prized possession, to say the least. I had 3 inch stilettos. My hair was curled to perfection to loose curls, my eyeliner thick on top to a cat eye, and a thin black line on the inside on the bottom. I had one deep red lipstick on, and some foundation. I thought I looked pretty good, the jewelry on my neck making the outfit complete. 

"Megan, are you ready? You look fine."

"Yeah, I'm ready. Did you call the cab?"

"Yeah, It'll be here in about 5 minutes. Now come on!" I yelled up the stairs, I was just sitting on the couch in our flat, watching some gossip shit that was on the tv. The was a loud knock at our front door, so I made my way off of the couch. They kept banging repeatedly.


I opened the door, and my mouth dropped open.


Sorry guys, this is a bit of a filler.

There's a picture to the side of how I picture Audrina to look.



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