Chapter 1

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I do not own the characters. Veronica Roth owns all the characters and the she wrote the series of divergent. She is an amazing writer who has inspired me to write this in anticipation to Allegiant the third book to the series. It is me writing Alligiant as a prediction as to what would happen in the book she wrote. Hope you enjoy it's my first fanfic. It takes place the night after Allegiant ends. I do not own anything.

I know this chapter is a little short and a bit boring. Just keep reading, next chapter is much better.  READ THE NEXT CHAPTER IT DOES GET BETTER I PROMISE. :)

Also check out my other book The Wanted it isn't a fanfic. It is gonna be good.


Tris's POV:

I wake to the closing of doors and the shower starting in the bathroom. Slowly sitting up, I come to terms and remember I'm in Tobias's apartment back in the Dauntless headquarters. It great to be back to the one room were I do not have a single bad memory. The events of last night run through my head.

The train is coming and I quickly remind everyone how to jump onto the train, as if they had forgotten. You don't just forget how to jump onto a train. The firght at Erudite head quarters ended and we needed somewhere to go. Dauntless was the best option. Tobias grabs my hand, the one that was not bleeding, and we jump onto the train followed by the people who were accompanying us, most of them factionless. We wait until the train drags itself near dauntless building and we jump off the train. Most of the factionless have done this before. Therefore, most of them landed okay. I remember thinking that it's so glad to be back. That Dauntless is my home now. Tobias explains to everyone that we will meet tomorrow in the pit.  Then Tobias whispers to me that he and Tori already had a plan. Tobias picks me up, he is so strong that I can feel the curves in his arm. My legs hang over his arm and his arm raps around my back. I rap my arms around his neck. He carries me to his apartment. When we get there, he kisses me and lays me down on the bed. He climbs in lays next to me rapping his arm around my waist. After that its all a blur, because I was asleep before I could count to ten.

Then I feel a sharp pain in my hand and then I remembered I hurt it last night. I lift it up to examine it. I forgot that I had a bandage over it already. I dismiss the pain. Tobias starts talking and it startles me. I wasn't expecting him to be done in the shower so fast. I guess I was so lost in examining my hand.

"Hey, you're awake," Tobias says to me as I look at him. "I tried my best not to wake you." He looks at me now, studying me. He walks out of the bathroom. I can't help but notice his perfect features and how his jeans make his dark eyes stand out. Then I get to thinking, about how I really need to shower.  I'm covered head to toe in ghrime.

"Don't worry, I was already awake." I reasure him. "I'm gonna shower." I walk up to him and he sets his hands on my hips and I rest my arms on his shoulders. I can't help it, I lean in to kiss him, then I pull him into a hug. His hands rap around my back and for the first time in a long while, I feel safe. Tobias makes me feel safe. I know that no matter what, I will always have Tobias.

"I love you, you know that?" He tells me. Even though it is true, I'm afraid to say it back. I know what I should say. I need to say it back. I stand there a moment thinking about what I'm going to say while listening to Tobias's heart beat.

"I love you too." I say, my words muffled my his shirt. He lets go and kisses me. I smile at him and walk into the bathroom.

I get in the shower. I don't want to be in here forever, so I take a quick shower. Then, I step out and I see that Tobias put some clothes out for me. He must know that I really don't have much clothes and have been wearing the same shirt for a while. Even though wearing the same shirt doesn't bother me, I throw on the clothes he picked for me. I look at myself in the mirror. The shirt is black and it is so big it is like a dress. I'm going to need to find something else to wear in the pit before Christina sees me. When she does she is going to flip out. "What are you wearing" is the first thing she is going to come out of her mouth. I guarantee it. I pull on the red pants from Amity and walk out of the bathroom.

I walk out to the room and see Tobias who stands right up and walks over to me. Tobias raps his arms around me once more and says. "You ready?" I don't want to leave this room. It is probably the one room were I can feel safe and forget the outside.

"Yes." I say half way lying. He kisses me on the forehead as he grabs my hand , and leads me out of the room.

As we exit the apartment I can't help but notice the noise coming from the pit and we are not even close. People are making a lot of noise. All those factionless who we took in last night are probably arguing about what they think we should do. We need to get out of this city and that wall is keeping us here. The way Erudite receives information is wrong and not doing anything is wrong. We need to get out of the bubble the walls have put us in. I know it and Tobias knows it. Well, at least I think he does.

As we round the corner to head into the pit, the noise defining now. That's when I see it.

Mass chaos.......Its going to be a long day.


If there is any errors I apologize. I do my best and though I may not have a lot of experience, I hope you guys like it. Ill add more, but I don't know when I can update. Probably once or twice a week. Oh and one more thing, if you like it, please vote. :) 

The next chapter gets better, so much more action, and its a long chapter. So, please keep reading:) please please please. If u read it you will make me the happiest peson in the world. 


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