Part 2: Chapter 7

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My thoughts go out to those at Arapahoe High School. 


Tris POV: 

"Hey come on Tris. Time to get up. Something is going on and we gotta leave." Tobias shakes my shoulder to wake me up. I wish I could get more sleep. Is there a way to press the snooze button on Tobias? "Tris... There are people coming here, we have to go." I open my eyes to a frantic Tobias standing over me. 

"What?" I question. I'm having trouble trying to understand what is going on, because sleep still has its strong arms around me. 

"Brecken just told me that Republic scouts are in the area, and we have to leave. There is something about Priority One too, but he wouldn't tell me anything." Tobias explains while trying to put together what little we have into a backpack. 

I pull myself up, and gather my surroundings. People are running all around the warehouse gathering guns, and belongings. I have a feeling that this will be over soon. We will have a break soon. I turn my back on the chaos to look at Tobias. He stands there staring at me with his black clothes on. His muscles peak through his shirt. I bring my eyes up to his face and see he finally shaved. It's about time. Then, I look up at his eyes. 

His stormy eyes stare out in the distance. A look of shock consumes the rest of his face. "How?.... How are you walking?" He whispers. I spin around and see Uriah walking over to us. He had a knife in his leg earlier today, and now he is walking. 

"Hey guys." He says. "Okay, you guys don't have to look at me like that. I am fine." After he says that I realize my mouth is wide open open. 

"How?" I ask him. 

"The people here had this healing machine they stole from the rebels. They used it on my leg and Ryan's arm. I don't really know how it works, and I don't really want to know to be honest." Uriah says.

"Right, cause that is something that exists." Tobias says from behind me.

"Yeah, I don't how or why The Republic had those machines, but imagine the other stuff they have." Uriah says with a little concern in his voice. I wonder what else The Republic has too. They had a machine that healed a stab wound in twenty minutes. It just doesn't seem real to me. 

"I can see where that would be concerning." I whisper. "Why would they have that? How come we don't know about it?" I honestly don't see why or how this could happen. 

"That is what we are all thinking right now. I guess we just have to find out." Uriah says back. Nobody but The Republic knows exactly what we are facing. Uriah shrugs his shoulders and walks away into the mess of people running everywhere. I wonder what he came over here for in the first place. I turn around to Tobias who has a look of confusion on his face. 

"Is it bad that I kinds wish I had that healing machine when I got shot?" He asks. I don't know why he thinks it is a bad thing. 

"Absolutely not. It would have been a lot more easy. The only problem is that we would become less careful. It would be more like: Oh, I got shot? Okay." I reply. It guess it is okay that we don't have that machine after all. Oh, well.

Tobias grabs my hand and we walk outside the warehouse. The sun is slowly setting on the horizon and that nice orange fills the air. I miss just being able to look at a sunset. It feels like a while since I could have. I stare at its beauty.

"Hey our transportation is out back." Zeke calling for us pulls me away from my tranquil sunset. I sigh and tug Tobias's arm in order to pull him out of his trans. Zeke walks around back to where there are tons and tons of horses, and a few cars.

"Really Zeke?" I ask sarcastically. This looks a little ridiculous to me. Actually this is really ridiculous.

"Well this way we will be harder to track, because it will look like a horse herd or whatever. It is better to stay off the roads. They are expecting us to stay as close as we can to the road, but the good news is that we don't have to." He explains. This just seems a little too far fetched to me.

"I guess that makes a little sense." Tobias whispers. I can't help but smile at that little remark.

"Where did you get these all?" I ask. There has to be fifty horses here. I wouldn't have even known horses existed if Ryan hadn't showed me one when we first left the city.

"We have slowly been collecting them. You got to think, we left the city a long time ago." Zeke replies. "I'm going to go get the others and tell them that we have to go. Big heavy equipment goes in the cars. The horses will ride a little ways behind the cars in order to cover the cars tracks."

It sounds like a well prepared plan to me. It makes me wonder how much he actually knows. Tobias and I don't say anything as he walks away. We both kind of just watch him walk away. I turn to face Tobias and we both just start laughing.

"I don't know about you, but this is one of the most ridiculous things I have seen in a long time." Tobias says. I am laughing to hard to respond so I just nod. "It is a great plan, but really. The horses?"

"It really is crazy." I hear Christina say from behind. We both spin around and see our whole group standing there wide eyed.

"Yeah, I have to ask, Are these people worth staying with?" Uriah asks. I notice him and Christina are holding hands. I give Christina a look that says you are going to tell me what that is about. She seems to figure out my look so she mouths: I will tell you later. I nod.

"We don't really have a choice at this point. They are our way of getting to the capital." Ryan responds.

"Yeah, and we need them for the plan. They and the other rebel camps are going to help us. Uriah, why would you ask if you wanted to leave them? Your brother is with them." Brecken asks. I was wondering the same thing.

"I don't know." Is all Uriah can manage to say. Something is defiantly going on there.

"The plan?" I ask. That seems like the more important thing to figure out right now.

"We are going to take down The Republic." Brecken explains the Priority One thing and how the various rebel camps all have a set role to play in taking down the capital. It seems like a good plan, but it is going to be hard to take down the capital. It just so happens to be in the most heavily guarded city in the country right now.

"I'll explain more later. We have to get going now." Brecken finishes as the rest of the people in this camp come out to the back. "Lets go get a horse." Brecken says through a laugh.

We all walk into the fading light to go grab a horse. I honestly never thought that when I was going to take The Republic down, that it would entail riding horses.


It is a bad chapter I know. I'm going to have to start writing shorter chapters so I can update more. This honestly is not the best update ever, and I'm sorry. School is killing me right now. I have finals coming up and I'm trying to get a whole bunch of work done. The good news is that I'm finishing this over winter break so there isn't much longer to go.  

Sorry for not updating. 


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